It is going to be JUNE already and I am freaking out a bit, months are flying by! In May there were a lot of Spring chores - we finally got our veggies in the garden and we starting additions to the deck we put up - we added little built-in bars to eat at.
We helped clean out a storage unit with my family for Mother's Day (gift to the Meme) and I got a bunch of great stuff including more fake X-mas trees (YEASSSSS) and a sombrero (because why not?...), we also got the top part of a buffet we have had from my parents house so now we have the shelf that goes on the table (so adulty).
I did SO MUCH reading this month. I had a spurt where I needed to read 4 books in a little over a week and thankfully got them all done (1,328 pages!). Then I read so many other things! Work is starting to get slower so I have had a bit more time during the day to pick up books, I love that.
I did SO MUCH reading this month. I had a spurt where I needed to read 4 books in a little over a week and thankfully got them all done (1,328 pages!). Then I read so many other things! Work is starting to get slower so I have had a bit more time during the day to pick up books, I love that.
What else - oh Family dinner holds true, our friend Jason hosted this month and I am still LOVING doing this. If you are new - we have a 'family' dinner every month with our friend group, ensuring we all get together at least once a month. There is a shared spreadsheet and everything! (Nerdy people Unite!)
June brings vacation days and the 4-day work week back at the end of the month. I am excited!
~~Books I Read in May~~

How did I do on my May TBR?
Just a note - my TBR was so not complete when it went up. I added 3 more books to it 😳😳 so here is the final count .... 7/7 and I managed to add another one that has been on my TBR pile for a bit as well and some shorter easier reads!!! 🤓
The Third Kind of Magic by Elizabeth Forest (MG) - 4 stars
Deadmen Walking (Deadmens Cross #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Adult) - 5 stars
Death Doesn't Bargain (Deadmens Cross #2) by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Adult) - 4 stars
Unbreakable (Unblemished #3) by Sara Ella (YA) - 4 stars
Damselfly by Chandra Prasad (YA) - 3 stars
Saga Volume 6 by Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples (Adult, GN) - 3 stars
The Fishing Lesson by Heinrich Boell (Youth) - 5 stars
Saga Volume 7 by Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples (Adult, GN) - 4 stars
Glow by Megan Bryant (YA) - 5 stars
Saga Volume 8 by Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples (Adult, GN) - 5 stars
Switched (Fairy Tale Reform School #4) by Jen Calonita (MG) -4 stars
I Hate Fairyland: God Girl (Volume 3) by Skottie Young (Adult, GN) - 4 stars
~~Reviews Up This Month From Previous Re-Caps~~
This is a Taco! by Andrew Cangelose (Youth)-5 stars
Today I'll be a Unicorn by Dana Simpson (Youth)-5 stars
The Golden Glow by Benjamin Flouw (Youth) -5 stars
The Tangled Web by M.L. Sparrow (YA, Novella) -4 stars
Reviews still on their way to you:
Coming soon in 2018 ...
Helm of Darkness by A.P.Mobley (YA)
Buni: Happiness is a State of Mind (Adult, GN)
Fox and Racoon by Lesley-Anne Green (Youth)
Pop! by Jason Carter Eaton (Youth)
Chilly da Vinci by Jarrett Rutland (Youth)
The House of Lost and Found by Martin Widmark (Youth)
A Fall Ball for All by Jamie Swanson (Youth)
Reviews still on their way to you:
Coming soon in 2018 ...
Helm of Darkness by A.P.Mobley (YA)
Buni: Happiness is a State of Mind (Adult, GN)
Fox and Racoon by Lesley-Anne Green (Youth)
Pop! by Jason Carter Eaton (Youth)
Chilly da Vinci by Jarrett Rutland (Youth)
The House of Lost and Found by Martin Widmark (Youth)
A Fall Ball for All by Jamie Swanson (Youth)