Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people!
Another month done. Fall is so close! I am getting more excited for the fall by the minute.
Let's see, this month we hung out with a lot of wonderful friends, Andy got to go visit family in Virginia, I got to have a stay-cation with the pets (photos are below, I like to capture them sleeping), I got admitted into grad school, and I learned to ride a motorcycle and got my endorsement! It has been a crazy busy month.
I really need to get my butt in gear and pre-plan a bunch for the fall because i have NO clue how school is going to change my time management. :/
I really need to get my butt in gear and pre-plan a bunch for the fall because i have NO clue how school is going to change my time management. :/
~~Books I Read in July~~

How did I do on my July TBR?
I finished 4/4 that I needed to read and then two from my want to read pile plus another Series of Unfortunate Events book!
July was a busy month, I did read a good amount of things but I feel very behind because a bunch of the children's books don't release for a while so the reviews aren't up to show for the reading... oh well. Hoping August is more productive on the actual blog front.
Escape from Lucien (Amulet #6) by Kazu Kibuishi (MG) - 4 stars
There are No Grown-Ups by Pamela Druckerman (Adult ) - 2 stars
Mr. Lemoncello's Great Library Race (Mr. Lemoncello's Libary #3) by Chris Grabenstein (MG) - 5 stars
Mr. Lemoncello's Great Library Race (Mr. Lemoncello's Libary #3) by Chris Grabenstein (MG) - 5 stars
~~Reviews Up This Month From Previous Re-Caps~~
Lady Mechanika: Clockwork Assassin (Volume 4) by Joe Benitez (GN, Adult)- 5 stars
Skooter Girl by Danielle Mac (YA, GN)- 2 stars
Dinner for Dinos by Ben Whitehouse (Youth)- 3 stars
Reviews still on their way to you:
Coming soon in 2018 ...
The Carnivorous Carnival (#9) by Lemony Snicket (MG)
The Steves by Morag Hood (Youth)
Anna at the Art Museum by Hasel Hutchings (Youth)
Chilly da Vinci by Jarrett Rutland (Youth)
The House of Lost and Found by Martin Widmark (Youth)
A Valentine for Frankenstein by Leslie Kimmelman (Youth)
A Fall Ball for All by Jamie Swanson (Youth)