Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery:
Everyday Magic, Spells, and Recipes by Kris Bradley
Genre: New Age/ Wicca
Publisher: Weiser Books,
an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-57863-515-3
Number of pages: 224
Word Count: 49,000
Cover Artist: Jim Warner
For domestic goddesses everywhere—add some magic and fun to
those mundane household chores with Mrs.
B.'s Guide to Household Witchery. Whether you're sweeping the floor,
making a meal, or cleaning out that junk drawer, domestic witch Kris Bradley,
creator of the popular blog, Confessions
of a Pagan Soccer Mom, will show you how to create spells and magic to
bring happiness and balance into your home.
Bradley offers ideas and solutions to make the most out of
everyday items, activities, and obligations. From Anchovies to Broccoli, and
Wine to Yeast, from sweeping the floor to blow-drying your hair, you can change
your outlook on life with a pinch of knowledge and a dash of magic! The book
includes simple rituals, spells, and ways to connect with the spirits that
watch over your home and family. Includes an appendix of herbs and a complete
materia magica from the kitchen pantry.
Mrs. B's Guide to Household
Witchery features:
Room by Room:
How to create magic while you cook, set up a family altar in the living room,
or do a junk drawer divination
The Elements
for the Domestic Witch: a primer on the 4 elements and how to balance them in
your home
The Domestic
Witch's Herbal: Magical uses for every herb and food in your pantry, as
well as instant magic with prepackaged spice mixes
Sabbats for the Busy Witch: simple ways to celebrate the
passing of the seasons
Magical Recipes: More than 100
recipes and spells
When I started on my path
as a Pagan, I read book after book after book. With no Internet and no idea
where to even think of finding another Pagan or group to learn with, putting
information together for myself was the only thing I had back then. I was
strongly drawn to anything based on the domestic part of magic and deity: gods
and goddesses of the hearth, kitchen witchery, recipes of all sorts. Over the
years, I worked out a system that allowed me to include magic in my everyday
life as a wife and stay-at-home mom. With three kids, a houseful of pets, and
not a lot of money, these methods had to include things that were already in my
home and that could be done in a short amount of time. I came to consider this
collection of methods “domestic witchery,” and I eventually started a blog
called Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom, where I shared my ideas and
thoughts on the subject.
book contains the basics of it all, though I do not consider it a “101” book.
While I hope it will help point the way to beginners who are interested in
taking a domestic path, it’s based on the idea that readers have a general
knowledge of magical practice and Pagan religious traditions already. This book
won’t teach you how to be a Pagan, but it will hopefully lead you to some ideas
on creating a house filled with magic and give you a broader view of what it
means to be domestic. And though it mentions the holidays that I personally
take part in, I believe that many of the ideas in this book can be incorporated
into any spiritual
practice. I hope you enjoy!
What Is a Domestic Witch?
Domestic witchery is a
magical practice based on bringing magic and deity
into the mundane of
everyday domestic life. It’s the realization that even the simplest household
chores can be transformed to influence the energies in our home and lives;
every chore can honor our families, deity, and ourselves.
that mean working like a slave to carry out the every whim of our families? Or
turning into the stereotypical 1950s housewife with a pristine house, dishpan
hands, and a smile plastered on her face (not to mention a flask tucked into
her apron)? Not at all. Many domestic witches do set their sights on
being similar to that fifties mom in the sense of being available to their
children, taking pride in their home, and cooking family meals. They are
attempting to restore things that have started to get put on the back burner in
this busy, often chaotic world. However, being a domestic witch is still about
being a modern witch who works as an equal to their partner and with their
chosen deity to make a warm, welcoming environment in their home. For those who
choose to be parents, it’s also about bringing up healthy, happy children who
are self-sufficient, self-assured, and who have a well-rounded spiritual
a man be a domestic witch? Sure! Any man who wants to create a home that is a
haven can work with magic to create the place he craves. Whether single or in a
partnership, there is no reason why today’s modern male can’t take on the role
of creating a magical household. Male domestic witches take pride in their
homes, their land, their families. Domestic witchery is all about a love of
caring for their hearth, home, family, and the deities who oversee them—not
about gender!
this book we’ll explore deities that traditionally watch over the home, find
out ways to use your ceiling fan as a tool of the element of Air, learn to mix
up a prosperity oil straight from your kitchen cabinet, and much more!
SABBATS FOR THE BUSY WITCH: simple ways to celebrate the passing of
the seasons
Though many look to October 31 as Halloween, Pagans
from around the world call it Samhain (Sow-en), a time to remember their
ancestors and to celebrate the start of a new year. This period is well
suited to practicing divination, working on transitions of all sorts,
candle magic, protection magic, and working with or contacting those
who have passed on.
October is often one of the busiest months of the
year in a Pagan household.
The fun of Halloween, creating costumes for the family,
school events, and getting the household and property ready for the
coming cooler weather keep us hopping. Sometimes there are not enough
hours in the day to breathe, much less to plan a way to honor the season.
Here are a few simple ways to celebrate.
Ritual: 5 Minutes Alone
This simple Samhain ritual lets
you honor those who came before. If you have a few extra moments, add
your favorite form of divination and see what the coming year will bring!
Items Needed:
• Your ancestor altar
• Lighter or matches
• A glass of apple cider
• A small snack, such as gingersnaps or a sliced
1. Sit before your ancestor altar and take a few
deep breaths. Think about those who have passed on—their struggles
and how they’ve affected your life. Think about how blessed you were
to have them in your life.
2. When you feel centered and ready, light the candle
on your altar and say,
I light this candle in honor
of Samhain and to recognize the changing season. I
honor the Lord and Lady and my
ancestors and give them thanks. On this night,
when their spirits walk among
us and magic is in the air, I ask my ancestors for
their blessings and ask them
to watch over my family and home. So mote it be.
3. Sit for a moment or two. Drink your cider and
eat your snack, being sure to leave some on your offering plate. Let
the candle burn for as long as you safely can.
Small Group Ritual
This ritual is just the right
length to do with a friend or two, your partner, or the whole family.
Just gather round and share the time together.
Items Needed:
• A candle
• A lighter or matches
• Scraps of paper
• A pen or pencil for each participant
• Your cauldron or other heat-safe container
• Cider and cups
• A plate of cookies
1. Gather everyone, and sit down somewhere comfortable
with all of your ritual items. Begin with a simple deep breathing exercise
to get everyone centered.
2. When everyone’s ready, light the candle and
On this fall night of Samhain,
we celebrate the turning wheel. As the seasons change, so goes the cycle
of death and rebirth. Tonight we mark the death of the old year and
the birth of the new. We make these pledges to ourselves and to the
Lord and Lady.
3. At this time, each person should write down any
resolutions that they’d like to make for the new year or any plans
for new beginnings that they’d like to put into motion.
4. Go around the circle, and one at a time each participant
can choose whether to share what they’ve written out loud. The paper
is then lit on the flame of the candle (younger participants should
be assisted by an adult) and placed in the cauldron to burn.
5. When everyone has finished, pass around the cider
and cookies and enjoy each other’s company. Everyone should save a
sip of the cider and a bit of his or her cookie. When it’s time to
finish up, take the cooled ashes outside and bury them in the ground.
Leave your food offerings nearby.
For the Kids
There are usually more than
enough Halloween activities going on in October for the kids.
But how do you get them to understand what Samhain is really about?
Create something fun to draw their attention while you count down the
Grab some orange construction paper and cut out thirty-one
pumpkin shapes; number them 1 to 31 on one side. On the other side,
write a short fact about Samhain, or paste on a picture of a loved one
who’s passed or share a fun fact about that person. If you like, staple
or tape a small treat to each pumpkin, such as a piece of candy, a coin,
a small Halloween eraser, or something like that. Starting on October
1, find a place to stash the pumpkin where you know your child will
find it. Pack it in their school lunch, stick it in their sock drawer,
or prop it up by their toothbrush. On Halloween morning, tape the last
paper pumpkin to a real pumpkin and help them carve a face in it so
that it can guard your home that night.

Tour Wide Giveaway: One Print Copy of Mrs. B's Guide (US)
About the Author:
Kris Bradley is the magic behind the popular blog Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom (2500 readers). She helped establish The Sisterhood of the Triple Goddess coven in Keyport, NJ and is a legally ordained minister, in addition to being a witchy wife and mother. Her work on domestic witchery has been featured in and as a national column for She lives in Keyport, NJ.
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