Happy New Years Eve!
Let's be honest, for the past month I have been slacking off on the blog, and I am sorry, but I have been working on school stuff and the holidays are always busy but SO MUCH FUN... and I have actually been taking some time to relax... which mostly means playing video games in my spare time because thinking hurts (lol) or watching too much TV.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. For Christmas, I got a TV from my momma, I got a beautiful canning pot from the hubs for this summer when I start to pickle ALL the things again, I also got some binoculars for bird watching, and I got an embosser that says "From the library of Stephanie Turner" I need to take out ALL my books and stamp them now.
We also got some gift cards/ cash and we have been doing some home projects. We are almost done building the shed in the backyard, and we replaced a toilet that has been broken and running FOREVER.
What did you get? Any bookish goodies?!
Let's be honest, for the past month I have been slacking off on the blog, and I am sorry, but I have been working on school stuff and the holidays are always busy but SO MUCH FUN... and I have actually been taking some time to relax... which mostly means playing video games in my spare time because thinking hurts (lol) or watching too much TV.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. For Christmas, I got a TV from my momma, I got a beautiful canning pot from the hubs for this summer when I start to pickle ALL the things again, I also got some binoculars for bird watching, and I got an embosser that says "From the library of Stephanie Turner" I need to take out ALL my books and stamp them now.
We also got some gift cards/ cash and we have been doing some home projects. We are almost done building the shed in the backyard, and we replaced a toilet that has been broken and running FOREVER.
What did you get? Any bookish goodies?!
How was your December otherwise?
~~Books I Read in December ~~

How did I do on my December TBR?
I finished 0 / 2 books. FAILED SO BAD! I read nothing that I was 'supposed' to.
Rosa Parks by Hourly History (Non-Fiction)-4 stars
A Year of Positive Thinking by Cyndie Spiegel (Adult) - 5 stars
The Math Kids by David Cole (MG) - 3.5 stars
Misfits by Jen Calonita (MG) - 4 stars
The Circus Thief by Alane Adams (Youth) - 4 stars
Whitehaven Beach by Cathy Maisano (MG) - 3 stars
Let's Get Reads for Bed by M. Smith (Youth) - 3 stars
~~ From last month's read pile~~
Book Love by Debbie Tung (GN) - 5 stars
~~Coming Soon~~
Muddy: The Raccoon Who Stole Dishes by Griffin Ondaatje (Youth)
Quinn's Promise Rock by Christie Thomas (Youth)