Today is a Discussion Day here at Cover2CoverBlog. I am trying to start these a little more since they seem fun :) I hope you enjoy and if you have any topic suggestions let me know in the comments.
Today's Topic
Blog Events That You Should Know About
So in November, I posted about how I participate in Readathons and that I would be telling you about the events that I like to participate in. These are a few of the ones that really help me while blogging.
Bloggiesta occurs 4 times a year, 2 longer events and 2 mini events, normally a mini one in January, one in March, another mini one in June and one in September. The Mini Bloggiesta Events are a weekend, while the longer ones are about a week long.
Here is more info about the events from the Bloggiesta site:
In short, Bloggiesta is a blogging
marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and
improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers
doing the same thing. Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop.
Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks,
mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an
awesome fiesta!
These events have mini-challenges that help you PEDRO and the community is awesome! So if you need a push to do some blog maintenance this is the event for you.
You can subscribe to emails from the Bloggiesta site and they will announce when the sign ups are available.
Another great resource is Caffeinated Book Reviewer, she has wonderful challenges and events throughout the year. A few that I like to participate in are the Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge which has a 24 hour readathon at one point in the month and normally happens in March. This one is what it sounds like, you take your TBR pile and read as many as you can off of it. Some rules though, since it is in March your books have to be copies of things that came out before March.
Another event is the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge normally held in May, this is for all those ARCs you have laying around and need to read - they can be any format but must be ARCs or books you received for review. This event also have a 24 hour RAT.
Last but not least, the HoHoHo Readathon - read holiday themed books in November to prepare reviews for the Holiday season.
Sign ups for these events are announced on the site, so follow to keep in the know.
Then in August there is another ARC related event - Read.Sleep.Repeat hosts ARC August, a whole month again dedicated to getting those review copies read.
Sign up for this event is announced on the site, so follow to keep in the know.

Herding Cats and Burning Soup hosts Blog Ahead. A challenge to get a certain number of posts scheduled for the upcoming months so you have more free time. The challenges normally take place in May and October. The event in May runs from the 1-15 and is a shorter version of the October Blog Ahead which runs for the whole month.
In May the goal is to have 15 scheduled posts, one for each day of the event and in October the goal is 31 scheduled posts. The rule is, that you should be starting from where you are - so if you have 0 posts scheduled you need only show that you completed the 15/31 depending on the even. However if you have, say, 5 posts already scheduled at the time the even begins you need 20/36. So everyone is essentially aiming to do NEW scheduled posts. (hopefully that made sense).
There are emails about this event, so make sure you are on the list.
Armchair BEA - for those of us that cannot make it to the Book Expo show... here is more info:
Armchair BEA is the experience for book bloggers to participate in
Book Expo America (BEA) from the comfort of their homes. This experience
is created lovingly by book bloggers specifically for our peers who for
whatever reason are not able to participate in the main conference in
New York each year. We bring publishers, authors, and bloggers together
in celebrating our love for all things literary by hosting celebrations
such as sneak peeks, daily discussion topics, and sponsored giveaways.
If you are interested, there is normally a call for volunteers to help with the event in March. The event itself is held during BEA so normally in May.
Re-Cap: The Year at a View
January: Mini Bloggiesta
March: Bloggiesta, Take Control of your TBR Pile Challenge (with 24 hour RAT)
May: Armchair BEA, Clean Sweep Challenge (with 24 hour RAT), Mini Blog Ahead
June: Mini Bloggiesta
August: ARC August Challenge
September: Bloggiesta
October: Blog Ahead
November: Ho Ho Ho Readathon (alternative: Christmas Spirit Readathon)
Would you like to add other events? Feel free to do so in the comments below!