Jun 22, 2015

Crazy for Summer Readathon Day 2


I am on Vacation this week and was planning to read anyway and then I found this amazing Readathon! It runs from June 21st to June 27th and is hosted by Tessa and Max @ Crazy for YA.

This week I plan to read ALL the things (or a least a big chunk of them) and participate in the Daily Challenges and Posts. 

DAY 2 Challenge: Where I am From Poem

I am from the pages of books, 
from Fantasy and Fandom.
I am from filled shelves, books in piles, books in stacks, 
books on every surface.
I am from the Whomping Willow, the Mallorn.
I am from Forced Family Fun and novels abound,
I am from the long nights of discussion and never-ending Scrabble.
From reading by flashlight will kill your eyes and from why do you have a book?
I am from the wardrobe, where reality is always an option and dreams are reality.
I'm from the Red Sox Nation, 
another obsession, 
where hotdogs and beer are foods of choice.
From a family that never left me alone, which stole my imagination and hid it as a means to enrage. 
From beach days where another Family engaged.
I am from all the pages, from late nights with a flashlight, from library books, from hoarding, 
from consuming all the words, works, images, and realities in sight.
I am reading.

DAY 2 Progress:
# of books finished on Day 2: 2, started another :)
# of pages read: 244
Overall Progress:  
# of books finished OVERALL: 3  - Vivian, Harold Brown, Shade of Vampire
# of pages read: 449

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