Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people!
Can you believe we are already a month into 2016?!
January is a strange month, you come down from this high of holidays to settle back into life and reevaluate your life. Some make resolutions and some continue on as if nothing has changed. Either way, I hope 2016 is treating you well so far :)
Did you make any resolutions for 2016? Any reading/blogging resolutions or goals?
This month I set myself a pretty strict reading goal, something I don't normally do... and I think it went ok. I hope I can keep up my place.
What did you read or listen to in January?
Link me up in the comments section!
~~Books Read in January~~

How did I do on my January TBR?
I read 4/ 6 books :) and DNFed one so really kind of 5/6 and that ain't bad :/
AND... I have 2 more days to finish my last book :) - update 1/30 I FINISHED IT! that means 6/6 booYa! Woot!
~~Links to Some Reviews ~~
- The Night Parade by Katheryn Tanquary (MG) - 4 stars
- Whispers in the Reading Room by Shelley Gray (Adult) - 3 stars
- Surf's Up by Kwame Alexander (Youth) - 4 stars
- Princess in Pink (Princess Diaries #5) by Meg Cabot (YA) - 4 stars
- Shadow Scale (Seraphina #2) by Rachel Hartman (YA) - DNFed:/ so it is not pictured above
- Harley Quinn #24 by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palimotti (Comic) - 3 stars
- The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman (YA/ GN) - 5 stars, review coming in February
- Through the Woods by Emily Carroll (YA/ GN) - 5 stars, review coming in February
- Spelled by Betsy Schow (YA) - 5 stars, review coming in February
- Unicorn vs. Goblins by Dana Simpson (MG/ GN) - 4 stars, review coming in February
- Our Love Grows by Anna Pignataro (Youth)- 3 stars, review coming in April
- Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (YA) - 5 stars -- review coming in February
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