Happy Halloween! 🎃👻
I hope that your month of October was a spooktacular one! This month was a busy one: my Husband's birthday and party, we had a friend visit, I had a dentist appointment and another tattoo appointment, there was a Halloween parade in town on Saturday too... I am ready to relax but know that is not going to happen because tomorrow is November and we are full steam ahead on the holidays!
It was a great month though and I am exited for November, especially because other than weekly Book Pile posts I have most of the month pre-scheduled thanks to Blog Ahead!! 😬
Speaking of which, during Blog Ahead the goal was 31 posts scheduled for after October and I prepped all 31 posts! YAY and I got my TBR Pile done too - this was a VERY productive month!
How was your month? What did you read?
~~Books I Read in October~~

How did I do on my October TBR?
4/4 DONE! Woot I was on a roll!
~~Links to Some Reviews~~
Dino Riders #1: How to Tame a Triceratops by Will Dare (MG) - 3 stars
Shadow Study (Study #4, Soulfinder #1) by Maria Snyder (YA) - 4 stars
Scion of the Fox (The Realms of the Ancients #1) by SM Beiko (YA) - 4 stars
My Zombie Best Friend by Terry Lowell (MG) - 4 stars
Dog Daze (Honey Moon #1) by Sofi Benitez (MG) - 3 stars
How to Be Perfectly Unhappy by Matthew Inman (Adult, GN) - 4 stars
Random Illustrated Facts by Mike Lowery (GN) - 5 stars
~~Reviews Up This Month From Previous Re-Caps~~
Welcome Home, Beaver! by Magnus Weightman (Youth) - 4 stars
Phoebe and her Unicorn in the Magic Storm by Dana Simpson (GN/MG) - 4 stars
Quantum Entanglement for Babies by Chris Ferrie (Youth) - 4 stars
Quantum Physics for Babies by Chris Ferrie (Youth) - 5 stars
Optical Physics for Babies by Chris Ferrie (Youth)- 5 stars
Rocket Science for Babies by Chris Ferrie (Youth)- 5 stars
Shark Lady by Jess Keating (Youth) - 5 stars
Crib and the Labours of Hercules by Gerald Vinestock (MG)- 3 stars
Reviews still on their way to you:
Coming in November...
Nick the Knight, Dragon Slayer by Aron Dijkstra (Youth)
The Giant Pumpkin Suite by Melanie Heulser Hall (MG)
The Death of Death by K.N. Parker (YA)
The Painting by Charis Cotter (MG/YA)
Once Upon a Leaf by Dawn Jarocki and Soren Kisiel (Youth)
Quiet Girl in a Noisy World by Debbie Tung (GN, Adult)
Breaking Up is Hard to Do...But You Could've Done Better by Hillary Campbell (GN, Adult)
Northstar Volume 1 by Jim and Haigen Shelley (GN)
Coming in December...
The Very Very Very Long Dog by Julia Patten (Youth)
Washington DC Monsters by Rebecca Moeller (Youth)
Coming in 2018 ...
Crafty Cat and the Great Butterfly Battle (Crafty Cat #3) by Charise Mericle Harper (MG, GN)
My Bed by Anita Bijsterbosch (Youth)
Fish-Boy by Vanita Oelschlager (Youth)
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