Source: From Bobaloo Books UK in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.
My Zombie Best Friend by Terry Lowell
Illustrated by Sam Porter
Publisher: Bobaloo Books
Publication Date: 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
When a family of zombies move next door, what is a boy to do? At first Nathan had thought everyone was exaggerating, but now he was beginning to wonder if they were right. Maybe he should be scared. After all, it had to be dangerous living next door to a family of zombies.
This was a fun middle grade read about a family of zombies that moves into a new town. The books is told from the POV of their neighbor, a kid named Nathan. The story is told as if there has been a zombie problem but researchers have found a cure and are allowing zombies to live among the normal humans. Because they are different the committee is very much against having them in the town. Nathan who becomes friends with the kid in the zombie family is trying to help people understand them but there is someone out to get them.
The book was a lot of fun. I think that it was a great read for October, with Halloween a few weeks away. The story has emotion and friendship, and prejudice and conflict but I think that it is a good read for its audience. If your middle grade readers likes books about friendship and the unusual this might be a book for them.
About the Author
Terry Lowell was born in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. He has seven sisters and denies being spoilt. He left school without any qualifications, but later had fun at Bretton College writing stories and screenplays, until they finally gave him a Masters in Creative Writing to get rid of him.
He is married, with two children and a grandson. To anyone who is thinking of having a grandchild, he highly recommends the idea.
In a varied career he has made bricks, tried to sell double glazing, lectured at university and been a hypnotherapist, management consultant and writer, though not all at the same time. He has written comedy material for British and German television shows, and once won one thousand pounds on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
He now lives in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. This is his first book.

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