Jul 4, 2023

Early Reader Review: Love & Resistance by Kara H.L. Chen

Source: Received from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way atlers my opinion or review.

Love & Resistance by Kara H.L. Chen  Publisher: Quill Tree Books
Publication Date:  July 4, 2023

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27405327-pop-manga-coloring-book?from_search=true  https://www.amazon.com/Pop-Manga-Coloring-Book-Beautiful/dp/0399578471?ie=UTF8&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0399578471&linkCode=as2&redirect=true&ref_=x_gr_w_bb&tag=x_gr_w_bb-20

Format: Ebook


Goodreads Synopsis: 
Seventeen-year-old Olivia Chang is at her fourth school in seven years. Her self-imposed solitude is lonely, but safe. At Plainstown High, however, Olivia’s usual plan of anonymity fails when the infamous Mitzi Clarke (influencer, queen bee, bully) makes a pointed racist comment in class. Olivia knows what she must do: let it go. But Olivia is tired of ignoring things just so she can survive. This time, she defends herself.

That is the end of her invisible life.

Soon, Olivia discovers, and joins forces with, the Nerd Net: a secret society who has been thwarting Mitzi’s reign of terror for months. Together, they plan to unite the masses and create true change at Plainstown High.

But in order to succeed, Olivia must do something even more terrifying than lead a movement: trust other people. She might even make true friends along the way . . . if Mitzi doesn’t destroy her first.
Love & Resistance is about a teen girl that is often moving from school to school. She has developed rules for herself around staying invisible and just trying to make it through her time. This year though, there is another classmate that is entitled, popular, and racist. When they have a run in and Olivia speaks up, the floodgates open and she is subject to a lot of bullying and nastiness from this girl, Mitzi, and her group of friends. The plot follows as Olivia makes friends with the Nerd Net, a group of outcasts that have banded together to try to make things better for others experiencing Mitzi's hatred and popularity. 

This was a fun book. A secret group of students banding together for the greater good. It was such a lovely read. I enjoyed the overall plot a good deal but found some holes that I think would have added to the overall theme. I really wanted Mitzi to have her ah-ha moment and that never comes, if not that, I wanted more depth to come out of her background and really having her justify how she is acting. That never came full circle, Mitzi is who she is racism and all, and she is never really punished for her actions. 

I liked the other characters though, I am not sure that this needed the romance element, but it was cute. Olivia is smart and determined and her relationship with her family and heritage is a strong one that I really appreciated seeing throughout the book. I especially liked the diverse cast of characters along with her. Griff was interesting, and I figured out his deal long before it came out in the book, I am not sure how much it adds but I really like the friendship that he and Olivia have and how they become closer through the plot and emotions they feel around helping others. 

The resistance part was entertaining, albeit a little predictable and kind of one-note, but in the end I laughed out loud a good deal while reading and enjoyed this read coinciding with the July 4th holiday weekend. If you are looking for a cute, YA romance with some high school politics, this might be a good fit for you. This book does have elements of bullying, racism, and cyber-bullying.

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