Oct 5, 2021

Early Reader Review: Once More Upon A Time by Roshani Choski

Source: Recieved from Sourcebooks Casablanca in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Once More Upon A Time by Roshani Choski 
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication Date:  October 5, 2021

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27405327-pop-manga-coloring-book?from_search=true  https://www.amazon.com/Pop-Manga-Coloring-Book-Beautiful/dp/0399578471?ie=UTF8&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0399578471&linkCode=as2&redirect=true&ref_=x_gr_w_bb&tag=x_gr_w_bb-20

Format: Paperback ARC


Goodreads Synopsis: 

Once upon a dream, there was a prince named Ambrose
and a princess named Imelda who loved each other...
But alas, no more.
"What a witch takes, a witch does not give back!"
their friends and family warn.
They resign themselves to this loveless fate...
A year and a day pass.
And then their story truly begins...

Embark on a perilous journey with Imelda and Ambrose as they brave magical landscapes and enchanted creatures on their quest to reclaim their heart's desire... But first they must remember what that is...
This book made my day! I picked it up needed a quick read this weekend (and needed to read it anyway) and was blown away at how fun the tale was. This is not yuour average fairy tale, a prince and princess are not in love, they are on an adventure to help a witch - not defeat one, and they are being ousted from their current realm. Kind of a downer huh?! Well this book was really fun and funny. The prince, Ambrose, and princess, Imelda, don;t really know what to make of each other and they were married for over a year. They have a witty and sarcastic banter that is so cute and the narrator made me giggle quite a bit. 

This story, while short, was perfect. It had a love story, action, trust issues, a clock that was a horse, magic and whimsy all wrapped in this neat little package of amazing. 

The world-building is a bit lack-luster but it is a short book and the action and banter are the story here. I didn't really miss the lack of world because I was laughing too hard at the characters and their mishaps. 

If you are a fan of fairy tales, predictable endings, retellings, or books with magic, this one is very fun and a very quick read at only 144 pages. I personally live for the amount of snark that I found in this book, the characters while fairy tale themed where real with each other and that was perfect.

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