Series: The Princess Diaries #7
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication Date: June, 2008
Source: Bought
Goodreads Synopsis:
Princesses just want to have fun.
. . . And Mia does too, despite the fact that the student government over which she presides is suddenly broke. But Grandmere's got a wacky scheme to raise the money, catapult Mia to theatrical fame, and link her romantically with an eligible teen bachelor who's not her boyfriend. No wonder Michael seems to think she's a psycho, or worse: not much fun. Is it possible that Mia, soon-to-be star of the stage, president of the student body, and future ruler of Genovia, doesn't know how to party?"
Another book done in the Princess Diaries series. These books are so easy to read and complete, the writing style is quirky and since they are diary entries, like I have mentioned before, they are not always full pages of reading.
In this installment, Mia has to use her problem solving skills to fix a broken student government, figure out why her boyfriend wants to have a party, and why her best friend and brother have been acting so strange. All the while dealing with more of her grandmother's crazy schemes.
There was a lot of growth for Mia here - learning about herself and how people get what they want. She questions her idea of self-actualization that she has been trying to achieve up until this point, and I think that she is starting to realize that she can be herself and accomplish things.
Like always the problems Mia faces in this book are both normal for a teen but also so over the top since she is a princess but it was funny and I am still enjoying these books.
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