Source: Librarything Early Reviewers program and Tundra Books in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Publisher: Tundra Books
Publication Date: January 12, 2016
Goodreads Synopsis:
Andrew loves putting on plays so he decides to join the drama club at school. Determined to make his performance the best it can be, he joins the debate club to practice his public speaking. He signs up for dance and karate to help with his coordination. Then he's asked to play for the tennis team and edit the school newspaper. Before long he's learning to play the bagpipes, attending Spanish classes and joining the French film club. Suddenly Andrew doesn't have time for anything or anyone else, not even his best friend Edie. And he definitely doesn't have time to sleep. Will Andrew figure out how to balance all his favorite activities and his best friend at the same time? A hilarious, over-the-top look at a common issue many kids today face.
I received this book from Librarything Early Reviewers program and Tundra Books, I thought that it looked cute and my husband's name is Andrew so I was drawn to it. The book is written and illustrated by the same person and is very fun. It is about a Chickadee that has so many things to do that he over-exerts himself and realizes that maybe he has taken on too much.
The illustrations are detailed and vibrant and will be great to draw in young readers or children being read to and there are lots of different clubs and groups that Andrew tries that will appeal to both boy and girl audiences.
The book is adorable and it made me giggle and I think that readers will really like it. I think that it will be a great book for parent to show children how they can only take on so much before missing out because they are tired and that spending time with friends and having fun is just as great as clubs and activities.
Overall very cute.
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