Jan 30, 2024

Recent Reads: The Last Line by Stephen Ronson

The Last Line by Stephen Ronson  
Publisher:  Hodder & Stoughton
Publication Date:  November 16, 2023 

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27405327-pop-manga-coloring-book?from_search=true  https://www.amazon.com/Pop-Manga-Coloring-Book-Beautiful/dp/0399578471?ie=UTF8&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0399578471&linkCode=as2&redirect=true&ref_=x_gr_w_bb&tag=x_gr_w_bb-20

Format: Audible Audiobook
Source: Bought/Own


Goodreads Synopsis: 
THE LAST LINE is a blistering action thriller combined with a smart noir mystery, played out expertly against the taut backdrop of the British home front.

'John Cook is the Jack Reacher of 1940s Britain' Damien Lewis

May 1940.

With Nazi forces sweeping across France, invasion seems imminent. The English Channel has never felt so narrow.

In rural Sussex, war veteran John Cook has been tasked with preparing the resistance effort, should the worst happen.

But even as the foreign threat looms, it's rumours of a missing child that are troubling Cook. A twelve-year-old girl was evacuated from London and never seen again, and she's just the tip of the iceberg - countless evacuees haven't made it to their host families.

As Cook investigates, he uncovers a dark conspiracy that reaches to the highest ranks of society. He will do whatever it takes to make the culprits pay. There are some lines you just don't cross.
A historical fiction, thriller with an English setting - Reacher meets WWII.

This was an action-packed read with a few plot lines to follow along with. 

  • Plot 1 - John Cook is ex-military but Germany is about to cross the English Channel and he is a last line of defense. 
  • Plot 2- a murder mystery
  • Plot 3 - missing girl(s)?

There was a lot going on in this book and lots of characters too. The audio was really well done though and I enjoyed listening to the story. 

Cook, our main character, was strong but stubborn adding to the action of the story. His antics allow for a number of twits in the novel. He was determined and passionate, but also felt like a realistic character. 

Immediately finishing the audiobook, I felt like there was too much going on and that the plot was lost a bit. After sitting with it for a while and really thinking about all of the various smaller plots, I realized that all of them are connected to the war/ war efforts and so John Cook is the last line for more than just an invasion. The overall book was so quick-paced that if you aren't paying attention a reader could miss details, there was so much happening, but it all added to the build up of Cook as a dependable character. 

If you like war-time thrillers and/or determined and dangerous main characters - this book is certainly for you. 

Other thoughts - I am from the US, so a map would have been helpful (does the Hardback have a map?) 

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