Welcome to Building the Book Pile!
Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people!
Hello Hello my reading friends! I hope you had a wonderful week of reading and autumn weather!
Oh this reading pile... it gets bigger and bigger and there just isnt enough time! I also worked about 15 hours of overtime this week.. because BUSY season so I am struggling a bit to get it all done. I am really hoping to find a spot to hide with books soon and binge. I need that.
This weekend we also did a lot though - we successfully completed the Great Vermont Corn Maze in 3 hours (my legs are killing me) and we had "Family" Dinner night where we rotate dinner 1/ month with friends and now that we are back we kicked off the season with non-meat burgers and lots of sides. (nom nom).
If you are interested in supporting my ability to stay awake and read please consider dontaing - Coffee (PSL!!) is appreciated ... Ko-fi
Early Reader Review: Teen Titans: Best Boy Loves Raven by Kami Garcia ( YA, GN)
Recent Reads: Half Sick of Shadows by Laura Sebastian (Adult)
Recent Reads: A Spot of Trouble by Teri Wilson (Adult)
Books Received Recently...

Nick and Noel's Christmas Playlist by Codi Hall - From Sourcebooks Early Reads Program for review.
Unicorn Night by Diana Murray - From Sourcebooks Early Reads Program for review.
Happy Reading!
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