Source: From the Author in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Series: Ghosters 2
Publisher: Dragonfeather Books/Bedazzled Ink Publishing
Publication Date: October, 2018
Goodreads Synopsis:
“Dawg, there is definitely something weird going on in this library.” Elbie is right. But I can’t tell if it’s the air-conditioning making the little hairs on my arms stand up, or a ghost. It’s been a year since Theresa and her English friend, Kerry, won the Ghosters contest. Now her little brother, Joey, has stumbled on a mystery in the school library. Blasts of cold air, lights that flicker, and books flying off the shelves start Joey and his friend, Elbie, searching for the reason.
Elbie lives above his family’s mortuary and is very comfortable around the ghosts that troop through its halls. He’s a prankster and doesn’t mind Joey’s Asperger’s behaviors. When the boys discover a ghost holding Joey’s bug book hostage, they team up with Theresa and Kerry to decode the ghostly messages found in the titles of the books thrown by the library ghost.
Ghosters 2 is about Joey and Elbie, two boys that are friends at school that also happen to be able to see ghosts. When there are some weird things happening in the library at school, they know it is a ghost and in order to get things operational again they have to help it.
Elbie live in a mortuary with his parents and likes to prank people. Joey is a young boy that is very well behaved and happens to also have Asperger's. He is a wonderful representation of these behaviors in a kind way, it is obvious but not over the top. The story is told from Joey's point of view.
I enjoyed this story quite a bit even though I had not read the first book in the series. This one seemed to touch back on book one a few times, which was fine there were more than enough details to keep a reader interested. I liked the plot and it moved at a good pace and was interesting with all the mystery behind who the ghost was and what it needed help with. I think it would make a wonderful read for middle grade readers, it has a great plot with lots of very relatable characters for diverse readers, it is interesting and it ends on such a wonderful note even though the ending was a bit spooky.
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