Welcome to Building the Book Pile! A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves
Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!!! We appreciate everything you have done for us, all the times you have said no but let us anyway, and all the goofing off we do together that makes mom angry 😜 I hope you are having a great day!
Woo man this week has been... a lot...
Last week I did finish my paper 🎉 and it was turned in on time.
This week I prepped a bunch of blog stuff, read two chapters of my textbook, wrote two discussion posts, two short papers, a longer paper, and worked.
We are decluttering at home and might have a yard sale soon... we just have a lot of junk that I don't want to look at anymore and we are thinking of moving to a warmer climate soon. Vermont is gorgeous for about 2 months, otherwise we have about 8 months of winter and a mud season in which it never stops raining + the melt... it is messy. Rolo dog hates it.. so do we. Florida is looking really nice right now...
and.. since the week just didn't give up...I was super sick all weekend... so this is actually a day late... sorry. Some sort of weird stomach virus put me on my butt for two days, I couldn't keep even water down... it was really bad. I am finally feeling better though.
If you enjoy the blog and want to share some love and caffeine, you can buy me a coffee via Ko-fi
Share about your week with me in the comments below!
Recent Reads: MegaBat and Fancy Cat by Anna Humphrey and Kass Reich (MG)
Recent Reads: Ghosters 2: Revenge of the Library Ghost by Diana Corbitt (MG)
Recent Reads: The Camelot Code, Book #1: The Once and Future Geek by Mari Mancusi (MG)
Books Received Recently...
Recent Reads: Ghosters 2: Revenge of the Library Ghost by Diana Corbitt (MG)
Recent Reads: The Camelot Code, Book #1: The Once and Future Geek by Mari Mancusi (MG)
Books Received Recently...
Bird Count by Susan Edwards Richmond from Netgalley and Peachtree Publishing Company for review
Don't Let the Beasties Escape This Book! by Julie Berry From Netgalley and Getty Publications for review.
Time Management in 20 Minutes a Day: Simple Strategies to Increase Productivity, Enhance Creativity, and Make Your Time Your Own by Holly Reisem Hanna from Callisto Publisher's Club and Althea Press for review

Don't Let the Beasties Escape This Book! by Julie Berry From Netgalley and Getty Publications for review.
Time Management in 20 Minutes a Day: Simple Strategies to Increase Productivity, Enhance Creativity, and Make Your Time Your Own by Holly Reisem Hanna from Callisto Publisher's Club and Althea Press for review
Have you missed anything lately?
Blog Blast: Trailer Reveal and Giveaway! A Midnight Clear
Blog Blast w/ Giveaway! House of Earth House of Stone by Josh David Bellin
Early Reader Review: Spiky by Ilaria Guarducci (Youth) -4 stars
Early Reader Review: Through Lya's Eyes (Vol. 1 Seeking the Truth) by Carbone (YA, GN)-5 stars
Happy Reading!
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