Source: From Booklook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: March 28, 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Grandmas are for kisses, and grandpas are for great big hugs! Grandpas are fun! They go on adventures, tell silly jokes, say funny things, and love to eat treats. This adorable board book celebrates how wonderful spending time with Grandpa can be!
Little ones and grandpas alike will love Grandpa Hugs, the charming, rhyming storybook about how special a grandpa can be to a child. This companion to the acclaimed Grandma Kisses celebrates grandfathers and all the love and fun they bring to the special grandkids in their lives.
Whether it is a gift from a grandfather to his grandchild, a grandchild to her grandpa, or as a sweet, creative birth announcement for a first-time grandpa, Grandpa Hugs is bound to warm the hearts of everyone who reads it.
Grandpa Hugs is an adorable book about all the wonderful things to do with your grandfather, hugs, jokes, hanging out... all beautiful things. The board book has pastel illustrations of various animal grandparents and children and they are both fun to look at as well as meaningful to the tale the book is telling. It is sweet and loving.
I really enjoyed this ode to grandfathers, I especially loved reading with my grandfather when I was younger - he always had the best character voices. I think all grandfathers would love this book to read to their grandchildren. It would be a beautiful addition into any kids book collection.
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