Aug 6, 2024

Early Reader Review: Navigating With You by Jeremy Whitley

Source: From Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Navigating With You by Jeremy Whitley, Illustrated by Casio Ribiero 
Publisher: Maverick
Publication Date:  August 13, 2024

Format: Ebook


Goodreads Synopsis: 
A charming POC-led WLW romance where two new friends hit the road in search of the missing volumes of their favorite manga.

Neesha Sparks is a disabled, vocal community activist with a passion for costume design. Gabby Graciana is an optimistic surfer - and, like Neesha, a new kid at school. When the two girls discover that they like the same manga series, Navigator Nozomi, they become more than just fellow new kids. But it was more than just having read the same book series--neither of them had finished it! Soon, they become new friends on a mission - to track down the remaining Navigator Nozomi books. This slice-of-life romance follows the two girls as they adventure across North Carolina to find each book, with their story intercut with the tales of Navigator Nozomi. Neesha and Gabby find more than just the books though—they find acceptance, friendship, understanding, and love.

Neesha and Gabby are both new to North Carolina, Gabby from Florida and Neesha from NYC. They come together on thier first day of school and Gabby immediately makes Neesha her friend... whether Neesha wants a friend or not. 

As the synopsis notes, Neesha is disabled. She uses braces on her legs, has trouble with balance, and sometimes needs to use a wheel chair, BUT she is strong and doesn't want her diability to be the only thing people see when they meet her. Gabby acknowleges but doesn't press her. I liked that this book had all sorts of rep. Disability, lesbian and bi characters, and diversity of race as well for both MCs. It was great to see in a graphic novel. 

What made this book even more unique was that it house a manga inside he graphic novel. Gabby and Neesha come together and learn about each other through their book club reading a manga series. Which is adorable. 

This was a really nicely done girl love graphic novel. However you will want to punch a few people in the face along the way. This book has a lot of emotion throughout it. It was realistic and wonderful and I think so many people will enjoy it. 

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