Aug 13, 2024

Blog Tour: Review- If You Were a Seed by Claudia GJ Moore

If You Were a Seed by Claudia GJ Moore  
Publisher: Blossom Spring Publishing
Publication Date:  June 4, 2024  

 About the Book: 

If you could be anything, what would you be?

Imagine being a seed, a tiny, pocket-sized seed. You could grow anywhere!

Perhaps in a lush, green meadow or in the middle of a well-walked path. You could settle in an old and forgotten pot or by your school’s front door. Or maybe somewhere entirely different!

A fascinating subject to explore with children, encouraging thought-provoking conversations with infinite possibilities to consider and imagine. Delve into the rich world of words and be amazed by the beautiful and relentless power of nature.

If you are looking for a cute, beautifully illustrated book for kids about seeds or plants, or even the idea of endless possibilities, this might just be the book for you and your family. 

If You Were A Seed is a children's book about how seeds could plant themselves, in a pot, by the road, in a meadow, by the front door of the school and how their placement impacts them in various ways. 

The book is all about the possibilities and can likely be adapted to other lessons and topics as well. This is a cute and quick read. The illustrations are beautiful and whimsically done in watercolor and possibly some marker, and highlights the beauty of the world around us and for the seeds. It is very simple, no rhyming, but impactful wording. Parent readers might have to help young readers really understand the overall picture painted by the wording, all those possibilities and chances and differences but it is still a pretty book either way.

The end of the book also includes some information about seeds, how they can be carried and dispersed, and how some can be pods or go dormant. it also encourages readers to plant seeds - which I am a huge fan of. My only concern is that seeds can be more than just flowers... there is some imagery of corn and wheat, but the main focus was on flowers by the illustrator and it could be broadened when talked about is all. 

Overall, this was a fun book, and I think that many children will enjoy it.

About the Author

Born in Mexico City, Claudia is a keen traveller and a passionate educator. She began her career in teaching soon after becoming a mother.

In the summer of 2015, while living in a charming old village house in the south of England, her decade-long idea of writing children’s books started to take shape and the idea of stepping into someone or something else’s journey through life, started to emerge.

As an educator, she has always tried to push the boundaries of language and imagination by providing exciting, ambitious vocabulary and ideas to children - as she believes there’s no better age to do so. She hopes to tap into children’s wondrous creativity and provide a way for parents, teachers and carers to rocket children’s imaginations with the beautiful world of words

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