Source: From Netgalley and Peachtree Publishing Company in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Publisher: Peachtree Publishing Company
Publication Date: October 1, 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
A young girl eagerly identifies and counts the birds she observes around her town during the New England Christmas Bird Count.Young Ava and her mother prepare to participate as "citizen scientists" in the Christmas Bird Count. She is excited when Big Al, the leader of their team, asks her to record the tally this year. Using her most important tools--her eyes and ears--and the birding ID techniques she's learned, Ava eagerly identifies and counts the birds they observe on their assigned route around the town. At the end of the day, they meet up with the other teams in the area for a Christmas Bird Count party, where they combine their totals and share stories about their observations.This informative story by author Susan Edwards Richmond, coupled with Stephanie Fizer Coleman's charming depictions of birds in their winter habitats, is the perfect book to introduce young readers to birdwatching. The text offers simple explanations of the identification methods used by birdwatchers and clear descriptions of bird habitats, and a section in the back provides more information about the birds featured in the book and the Christmas Bird Count.
THIS BOOK IS AMAZING, and yes, worth all caps. I love bird and know that kids generally love animals and this book is so wonderful!
Ava loves birds and loves to help count them in order to help with a Bird Count Party. A bird count party is what it seems like, everyday people, not scientists, go around on certain days and count the birds that they see and report back to appropriate channels.
The book is a picture and counting book, but it is also an educational experience for both parents and kids to learn about counting birds and how to do it. You will also learn about bird and some of the different types. It is beautifully drawn and the content is so fascinating (at least to me as an adult). I think that animal lovers will really like this book and I highly recommend it.
Interested in getting involved in a Bird Count? The 2020 the Great Backyard Bird Count is February 14-17th
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