Source: From Netgalley and Harvest House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Publication Date: February 5, 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
Help Your Child Grab Hold of God's Promises
Quinn, the thoughtful little owl, has a lot of worries and questions for her father.
"What if I get lost?"
"What if you dive and I don't notice?"
"What if you get too far ahead of me and I can't find you?"
Written for children experiencing moments of separation anxiety or other common fears, Quinn's Promise Rock reminds kids that God will always be there for them, whatever happens or wherever they go. Share this comforting truth with your child today.
Quinn's Promise Rock is a book for youth readers about questioning when might happen if they get lost and being comforted. The book has two owls a father and little girl who are out hunting for dinner when Quinn asks what might happen, her father directs her to look for a mountain and tree to find her way home and then the book turns more religious and is about God always being with you.
To symbolize this, Quinn gets a rock to reminder her that while she can't always see it, it is always there. This was a cute book, but the use of the rock is weird to me. If she wants to see the rock she can, I know that those that are religious might say the same about God but it is a bit far fetched for me.
The illustrations throughout were very pretty and the details were nice. There is even an information page about owls at the end which I found the most amusing of the whole book. So while the religious aspect kind of fell a bit short for my liking, the images and information page gained it a few stars.
As always, this might not be for me, but you and your family may love it. It is all in the eye of the beholder. If you are into religious children's books, this might just be for you.
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