Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people!
Can you believe that August is over already? Wow this year is flying by. I live the Autumn season so I am happy to see summer go and ready for all the fall colors, pumpkin flavored things, and Halloween to be here. What is your favorite season?? Are you sad to see summer go? Happy to have kids back to school? 😜 Are you going back to school?! Let me know 😁
Link me up in the comments section!
~~Books Read in August~~

How did I do on my August TBR?
Um not good...I read 2 of the 6 books I posted, but I only wanted to read 4/6 so I did 50% ... not the worst but I am not impressed with myself.
It was also ARC August and I only read about 2 ARCs - thus the huge TBR, it was a rough month 😔
~~Links to Some Reviews~~
- BatDad: A Parody by Blake Wilson (Adult/ Humor) - 4 stars
- The Toad (The Disgusting Critters Series) by Elise Gravel (Youth) - 5 stars
- A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry (YA) - 2 stars
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Harry Potter #8) by JK Rowling (Adult/YA) - 4 stars
- Harley Quinn #30 by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti (Comic) - 5 stars
- Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys #4 by Jimmy Palmiotti (Comic) - 3 stars
- DC Universe Rebirth: Harley Quinn #1 by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti (Comic)- 4 stars
- DC Universe Rebirth: Harley Quinn #2 by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner (Comic) - 4 stars
~~ August Reviews From Books Read in July ~~
~~ Reviews Coming Next Month ~~
- Razzle Dazzle Unicorn (Heavenly Nostrils) by Dana Simpson (GN)
- Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson (Adult)
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