Publisher: NorthSouth Books Inc.
Publication Date: January 1, 2015
Source: Netgalley and NorthSouth Books Inc. in exchange for an honest review. Receiving this book in no way effects my opinion or review.
Goodreads Synopsis:
When Mr. Squirrel awakens to find that the moon has landed on his tree, he frantically tries to get rid of it before someone suspects him of stealing it and puts him in jail. But when he rolls the moon off of his tree, it's gets stuck on Mrs. Hedgehog's bristles and when the billy-goat arrives and butts it with his horns . . . Will the moon ever be the same again? Sebastian Meschenmoser's hilarious illustrations and rollicking tale will be a bedtime favorite.
What would you do it you found the moon? In this adorable tale, a squirrel awakes to what he believes is the moon on his branch. From there he tries to get rid of it in case it was stolen and runs in to all sorts of problems along the way.
I love reading children's books. They are fun and imaginative and I really love the artwork that goes into them. As is the case with this one. Meschenmoser's does a wonderful job creating this world - the animals, the moon, the incidents - all with very little prose and an abundance of elegant and charming sketches as visuals.
The story is funny and captivating and will appeal to children who love animals. A very fun tale.