Publisher: Write Plan
Publication Date: November 1, 2019
Source: From the Author in exchange for review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.
Goodreads Synopsis:
Sixteen-year-old Silver Melody lives in a world where 80% of the population has modified their DNA. Known as the altereds, those people now possess enhancements like wings, tails, and increased strength or intelligence. Although Silver’s parents created the nanite pill used to deliver these genetic modifications, Silver is proud of her unadjusted state.
However, when the president declares all unadjusteds must take a nanite, Silver has no choice but to flee the city with her father and some friends to prevent the extinction of the unadjusteds.
With Silver’s mother in prison for treason, Silver’s father is the unadjusteds’ only hope at finding a cure. But time is running out as Silver’s father is captured by the president’s almost immortal army. Vicious hellhounds are on Silver’s trail, and her only chance to recover her father involves teaming up with a new group of unlikely friends before all humanity is lost.
The Unadjusted is a book about a teen girl living in a world where you can take a pill and it alters your DNA so that you essentially become superhuman. Her parents are the inventors of this miraculous science but she is very against it, especially now that taking too many of the altering pills can kill a person. Sadly not everyone thinks this is bad and the current president has just instated a law saying that everyone has to take one and be an adjusted human, splitting the population and creating all out war. Silver is now on the run from this fate and hoping to stay an unadjusted.
This was an action-packed novel. Silver is on the run from the very beginning and people are dying and there are crazy monsters everywhere. The paces is set pretty well in the beginning and then in the middle kind of lags a bit, there is less action and a lot of planning and reflection, which is great for the plot, but I found it a bit slow-going. In the end though it is just as intense as before.
This book had quite a few plot twists that kept me on my toes and there was also a bit of romance in the drama filled plot, but it wasn't super heavy. It kind of felt like an afterthought to be honest.
Overall, I liked the novel. Silver seemed real, although a bit whiny at times but she was trying to survive so some whine is acceptable in her visitation.. If you like books about dystonian society, superheros, and a lot of trying to survive the crazy, this book is exactly for you.
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