From Netgalley and Eerdman's Books for Young Readers in exchange for an
honest review. Also won a copy in Hardback from Librarything Early Reviewers. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Publisher: Eerdman's Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: August 7, 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
A darkly humorous tale with a twist ending
Edmond Bigsnout, lone wolf that he is, loves his solitary cabin in the woods. But lately he's been craving urban rabbit for dinner, so he travels into the city to catch one. Unfortunately, the rabbit has a lot of neighbors—who mistake Edmond for a kind and helpful resident! Perhaps Edmond can become a good neighbor, despite his bad intentions.
Readers of all ages will devour this story about a wolf who decides that if you can't eat them, join them.
Edmond Bigsnout, the wolf, is hungry and going to the city to find a rabbit to eat. However every time he arrives to get the rabbit the item he needs to use to eat him ends up with another neighbor.
This is a hilarious story about a frustrated wolf who just wants to eat. He tries and tries and you will have to read the book to find out what happens, but the whole thing is very entertaining. The illustrations had me giggling while reading. I especially love the wolf on his bicycle.
I think parents and children will enjoy this read, but parents might have to explain why the wolf wants to eat the rabbit in the first place - but otherwise this is a lovable, adorable tale.
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