Source: From Librarything Early Reviewers Program and Tundra Books in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Publisher: Tundra Books
Publication Date: March 7, 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
If you happen to have a dinosaur, lying around your living room, and you don't know what to do with it ... why don't you use it as a can opener? It will make a terrific nutcracker too! There are oodles of uses for a dinosaur -- from a fine umbrella to an excellent kite and a dandy pillow, not to mention a reliable burglar alarm and the perfect excuse to forget your homework. This delightfully absurd exploration of the domestic uses of dinosaurs -- and the things dinos just aren't good for at all -- is guaranteed to tickle funny bones and spark imaginations. If you read carefully, you'll learn how to make your dinosaur last a very long time.
This book makes me wish I had a dinosaur! It was silly and fun to read about all the great uses for a dino as a pet. The illustrations were creative, detailed and adorable. This version is the newly released board-book version of the book which was sturdy and I think parents and younger kids will really enjoy it.
The overall theme is a lot of fun, it is more of a picture book, with minimal text and the illustrations do a great job implying what the text is saying. I think dinosaur lovers will really enjoy this book (and parents as well, and parent dino lovers). We all should have dinosaur pets!
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