Mar 2, 2015

Early Reader Review: Gronk A Monster's Story by Katie Cook

Gronk Volume 1Gronk: A Monster's Story by Katie Cook
Series: Gronk Volume 1
Publisher: Action Labs Entertainment, Diamond Book Distributors
Publication Date:  March 3, 2015


Format: ebook
Source: Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors in exchange for an honest review. Receiving this copy in no way effects my opinion or review of the book.



Netgalley Synopsis: 
Gronk is a monster... and not a very good one.

Gronk tells the tale of a young monster who has turned her back on monsterdom (mostly because no one found her scary) and has become fascinated with humans.

She moves in with her human friend Dale and her pets Kitty and Harli, a 160 lb. Newfoundland Dale wants to declare as a dependent to the IRS.

Enjoy the first installment from this popular kids webcomic in a wonderful, full-color collection! 
I am sad that it took me this long to learn about Gronk, an adorable little curious monster who lives with a nerdy young woman, her giant dog, and her bipolar (because aren't they all) cat. I loved this volume so much. It make me laugh out loud and I cannot wait to share certain bits with my husband - especially Gronk's moments with the kitten which are all so realistic. 

I loved the way this graphic was put together, instead of a story line it was more 'moments in time' with Gronk - who was overly curious and irrational. It was super adorable (times a million). I found the nerdy references amazing and loved the spoofs of things that were Dale's t-shirts. I absolutely recommend this graphic novel to all readers. It was funny, fun, a fast read, and adorable!

1 comment:

  1. Gronk is such a great name for a funny monster. I also like the storyline a lot. What a fun book.
