
May 1, 2015

Monthly Re-Cap: March & April 2015

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

OMG it is already May! and I just realized I didn't do a March Re-cap, I am full of the slacking lately :/ 

So yea, March and April Reading...
Well, let's be honest, April was pretty much a waste - not much reading got done BUT I did finish both my March and April TBR picks so that is something right? (but now I am 7 books behind in my reading challenge - sadface). March was pretty successful though. Lots of Graphic Novels and Middle Grade Reads. Hopefully May will be more productive!

What did you read or listen to in March/ April? 

Link me up in the comments section! 


     ~~Books Read in March/April ~~   

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