Aug 18, 2024

Building the Book Pile #459

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Busy week, but audiobooks for the win lately. I am able to do work and gardening and listen and still get some reading done (yay)

Today was a long Sunday of rec. softball playoffs, so this post is later than anticipated. We played and had fun but didn't make it to the end. I ended the afternoon with a much needed nap.

xo steph

Coming up on the Blog

This Week:


Coming closer to their release dates: 

A Great Big Virtual Hug - Review up on Sept. 3
Wacky Witches and their Peculiar Familiars - Review up on Sept. 5
Hope It All Works Out - Review up on Sept. 17

Books Received Recently...  

Lightfall by Ed Crocker - from the publisher for review, Out Jan. 2025

What have you been reading?  Leave a comment for me.

Happy Reading!

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