Jul 31, 2014

Monthly Re-Cap: July 2014

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Another month down, here's another wrap-up- complete with Goodreads and Review links. 


I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by, it is almost August :/ wowza!


What did you read or listen to in July? 

Link me up in the comments section! 


  ~~Events/ Goodies from July~~

Code is still valid: C2C20


~~Books Read in July (+ Audiobooks Listened to in July)~~   

The Calling (Darkness Rising, #2) Lady Rawhide Volume 1 Keeper (Omnibus Edition) (The Morphid Chronicles, #1-4) Anthem's Fall Dear Luke, We Need to Talk, Darth: And Other Pop Culture Correspondences Copper Magic Rocket Girl Volume 1: Times Squared Tuesdays at the Castle (Castle Glower #1) I Was the Cat The Well's End

~~Links to Reviews ~~

Jul 30, 2014

Early Reader Review: I Was the Cat by Paul Tobin

I Was the Cat by Paul Tobin
Illustrator: Benjamin Dewey
Publisher: Oni Press
Publication Date:  August 6, 2014


Format: ebook
Provided electronically by Oni Press in exchange for an honest review. This in no way effects my review or opinion of the comic.


Goodreads Synopsis: 
Allison Breaking is a talented journalist with her own blog and a lot of bills to pay. So when she receives an offer from a mysterious stranger named Burma to write his memoirs, it's an offer she can't refuse, not even with all the red flags popping up. But Burma is quite literally unlike any man Allison's ever known - because he's a cat! And this cat has stories to tell about how he (over the course of a few lifetimes) has shaped the world - and another, darker story that Allison must risk all to uncover... a story of what this particular cat has been doing with the LAST of his nine lives.
I recently got an email from Oni Press Marketing highlighting a new graphic novel called I Was the Cat, initially it was just a promo email, telling readers/reviewers that it was coming out this summer — then after an overwhelming number of requests from reviewers, they decided to email a review copy out for us. I am so happy that they did. The synopsis was about a cat taking over the world and a reporter hired to tell his memoirs of his previous lives. The story is divided into six chapters that are to release weekly on Tuesdays, but Oni provided reviewers with the whole series. {insert happy dance}

The series tells the story of Allison Breaking a reporter tasked with talking with Burma (the cat) and writing his Memoirs, all the while there is a secret plan unfolding. I found the story to be fun and interesting. There were many flashbacks to Burma’s past lives with Egyptians, in London, as the President of the United States’ cat and so on and they are all wonderfully put together tales of the past with a cat included.

I enjoyed reading this graphic novel and will give it 3 out of 5 stars, it was good but not the best ever. My biggest complaint is that the series ends and I didn’t feel like much was resolved.

Jul 29, 2014

Recent Reads: The Calling by Kelley Armstrong

The Calling (Darkness Rising, #2)
The Calling by Kelley Armstrong
Series:Darkness Rising #2
Publisher: Harper
Publication Date: April 2012 


Format: Hardback
Source:My Home Library, Bought

Rating: Somewhere between 3-4 Stars



Goodreads Synopsis: 
Maya Delaney's paw-print birthmark is the mark of what she truly is -a skin-walker. She can run faster, climb higher, and see better than nearly everyone else. Experiencing intense connections with the animals that roam the woods outside her home, Maya knows it's only a matter of time before she's able to Shift and become one of them. And she believes there may be others in her small town with surprising talents.

Now Maya and her friends have been forced to flee from their homes during a forest fire they suspect was deliberately set. Then they're kidnapped, and after a chilling helicopter crash, they find themselves in the Vancouver Island wilderness with nothing but their extraordinary abilities to help them get back home.

In THE CALLING, the sizzling second book in the Darkness Rising trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong pumps up the romance, danger, and suspense that left readers of THE GATHERING clamoring for more.

For July's TBR Jar pick I finally got around to reading The Calling. I LOVED the Darkest Powers Trilogy (and I do mean LOVED!!!!!!) and The Gathering of the Darkness Rising Trilogy caught my attention as well, but the characters aren't as great (in my opinion) as in Darkest Powers. So...on to the review...

This second book in the series is a great second book as far as trilogies go. Maya and her friends/ fellow test subjects are on the run -- and that is the whole book. We pick up right were book one left off and so I had to do a recap of book one since it was so long ago that I had read it, but after doing so the storyline just keeps on going in book 2. I think that the reason I have enjoyed the books so far is because of the action, they are teens on the run and the badies have guns and supernatural powers on their side. 

I like Maya the main character, she is strong and interesting, but I can't love her as much as I loved Chloe. I found Maya conflicted too many times for my liking - about trusting others, about her feelings, it was just bothersome. The other characters are all interesting as well but I feel needed more depth, there are the stereotypical clown guy, the strong trustworthy guy, the girly girl and the brute girl and that is really all they are so far, I hope they grow in book 3.

I did enjoy this book, the action had kept this trilogy on my radar so I hope to pick up book 3 at some point. 

Jul 28, 2014

Cover Reveal: Breathe & Shimmer by Elena Dillon {New Covers}

Breathe by Elena Dillon 
Book 1 - Breathe Series 
Young Adult Romantic Suspense
About the Book
Jasmine’s life wasn’t normal for a 16 year old girl. It hadn’t been normal since the murder of her older sister, Daisy, two years ago. Her life had been changed forever. The monster that murdered Daisy was never caught. That was the reason her family decided to move away from their hometown in Southern California, to start over. Hopefully in a place where the last name Rourke wouldn’t bring on staring or judgment or morbid curiosity.

In Lafayette, Louisiana things are quite a bit different but in a good way. Good manners, Cajun accents and a whole lot of Southern Hospitality all make her think things are going in the right direction. On top of that the most gorgeous boy she has ever met is interested in her. Her new friends are better than she could have hoped for even if she is worried about what they might think when they find out who she is. Life would be perfect if odd things didn’t keep happening. Creepy phone calls, texts, and flowers in her locker start adding up quickly to something terrifying. Could the Monster have followed them to Lafayette? Was he coming after her this time? Maybe she was just worrying unnecessarily…or not.

Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1l2aRBN
Barnes & Noble:  http://bit.ly/1upgmE2

Shimmer by Elena Dillon
Book 2 - Breathe Series
Young Adult Romantic Suspense

About the Book
Chandler Raines and her “dad” are on the run. Never staying in one place for very long. It’s just not safe. When they arrive in Lafayette, Louisiana, Chandler quickly realizes this is the place she wants to call home. Friends, a cute boy, and competitive cheerleading have her taking dangerous risks to have the life she always wanted. Risks she promised she wouldn’t take. When her lies catch up to her, a decision has to be made. Stay or run? Will the evil that’s chased them for the last four years catch up to them? When Chandler’s past comes screeching into the present she’ll have to sacrifice everything to keep what she loves safe. But will it be enough?

About the Author
I have had a love of books for as long as I can remember. I got in trouble as a kid for staying up too late on school nights, reading. I'm a nerdgirl and proud of it. I've been writing my whole life but only recently decided to come out in public with it.
I write Young Adult love stories because as my husband would tell you, I never matured much past fifteen. There is nothing better to me than a good romance with an amazing hero, throw in some creepy suspense and I'm in.
I write from my home office in Southern California with our English Bulldog, Brutus to keep me company. To hear about him, my writing experience and read some outtakes of my stories check out my blog at elenadillon.com.
I love to chat with other readers and writers.

Jul 27, 2014

Building the Book Pile #101

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

What's Happening?! 
It has been a long week! After returning from my mom's last weekend and throwing myself back into work stuff, I have been exhausted, but I have been reading a lot so that is nice. This week I started and finished a book and am about 2/3 the way through another.

Saturday we did more work on our outside patio, toting pavers and bags of pebbles was rough and I am achey but it looks great and we are almost done. 

How was your week ? Let me know in the comments.

Giveaways Going on NOW!   

http://cover2coverblog.blogspot.com/2014/07/blog-tour-review-and-giveaway-anthems.html keeperbanner
Save 20% at Gone Reading! with this code : C2C20
Click pic/link to be taken to the giveaway!
Others may be linked on the right sidebar :) check them out!


Coming up on the Blog... 

  • Cover reveal: Breathe and Shimmer by Elena Dillon (YA)
  • Early Reader Review: I Was the Cat by Paul Tobin (Graphic Novel)
  • Early Reader Review: Get Lost, Odysseus! by Kate McMullan (MG)

Books This Week
 Die for Me (Revenants, #1)  Loki's Wolves (The Blackwell Pages, #1) 
First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson, #1)
Die for Me by Amy Plum (Hardback)
Loki's Wolves by Armstrong and Marr (Hardback)
First Grave on the Right by  Darynda Jones (Paperback)

For Review Consideration
The Stern and Wild Ones (Seeker Series, #1)  Bad Magic 
The Stern and the Wild Ones by Resse Evhans, from the Author
Bad Magic by Pseudonymous Bosch from Netgalley and Little, Brown Books for review
Covers go to Goodreads

Have you missed anything lately?

  Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything post and I will happily stop by and say hello!

 Happy Reading!

Jul 24, 2014

Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway! -- Keeper by Ingrid Seymour

About the Book

Keeper by Ingrid Seymour
The Morphid Chronicles (Omnibus Edition)
400 pages/ Young Adult

For them, free will is a luxury . . .

Greg Papilio both wants and dreads his impending metamorphosis. He's tired of being an ugly runt--always picked last on the basketball court--when he could be strong and what girls call "drop dead gorgeous." But as much as he looks forward to the transformation, he also fears the caste it will inevitably assign to him. He doesn't want a common caste. He wants a powerful one, a cool one.

Samantha Gibson is average. She's short and a little full around the hips--a terribly cute look for a future chef. She's two years away from culinary school, from her uncaring parents, and from carving a perfectly Human future. She wants independence, a career and a quiet life of her own.

Except fate couldn't care less about what Greg and Samantha want and gives them exactly the opposite. Greg's metamorphosis assigns him a caste that enslaves him, while Samantha's chance to attend Le Cordon Bleu is taken away. But things are never as interesting as when Ashby--an intriguing blonde with a hidden identity--enters her life with a splash.

Greg's fate is to be Samantha's Keeper, to protect her at a time when someone wants her dead. He will stop at nothing to ensure her safety, even if her secret past proves deadly, even if he's keeping her safe for someone else.


Grab Keeper Vol. One (first part of the story) for .99 cents on

Wow, this was a spectacular read. I flew through it, not wanting to stop for anything... I was hooked to these characters. Keeper follows a bunch of characters and they are all interesting and easy to read about/ in their point of view. There is Sam, Greg, and Ashby but most of what you read is in the POVs of Sam and Greg. The book follows these characters as they learn who they are in a complex world of lies, ignorance, and deceit. It was SO good!

It is hard to write a review that would give this book justice without giving away all the good parts -- I guess what you need to know is that Sam is a girl who is struggling with many realizations about herself including the fact that she has a guardian and there are strange hot guys suddenly taking interest in her. There is Greg, who is a recently-morphed Morphid, whose caste is not a normal one at all and he has no idea what to do except help Sam. And then finally there is Ashby, who is a prince so to speak and he is trying to figure out his place in the regency without treading too much on his mother's scary toes. 

These characters and more clash in a story that is overwhelmingly fun to read. The characters are all interesting and I loved reading more from each of them, then on top of all of this the plot was wonderfully put together. I was on the edge of my seat (literally while reading at my computer at work during lunch break) the whole time. Even the day to day troubles of 'normal' Sam where complex and captivating.

I highly recommend this book to Young Adult Fantasy lovers.


About the Author
Ingrid Seymour loves, loves, loves to write. She’s a young and new adult author. She writes in a variety of genres including romance, urban fantasy, paranormal and horror. She loves pizza and sushi, Sunkist and gum. She believes in vampires, witches, but not zombies (uh-uh, never!) She writes to loud music, daydreams constantly and spends too much time in twitter!! Find her there? ;) Ingrid has incredible fun doing what she does, but more than anything she enjoys hearing from her readers. It’s a dream come true.

$25 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Keeper signed paperback & bracelet (US)



Jul 23, 2014

It's almost ARC August Baby!!!

AHHH I almost forgot about ARC August... I was happy to run into it on someone's blog (sorry I forget who's it was) and so after heading over to visit Octavia @ Read. Sleep. Repeat I decided... why shouldn't I do it?! :)

I love these things (Yay happy dance!)

ARC August 2015 

 So what is this madness I speak of? It is a month of reading ARCs, whatever you need to get through, the ones sitting on your shelf forever, anything that is an ARC and boy do I have loads of them I NEED to read. -- Don't judge, you know you have them too :P

Here is my plan:
Mortal Danger (Immortal Game, #1)  Rose and the Magician's Mask  The Case of the Stolen Sixpence    The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place  

With these I would also like to read a few others that are not ARCs so this is it for ARCs :)

Are you planning on signing up? You should! If so, let me know what you are reading :)