Mar 9, 2025

Building the Book Pile #478

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!

Good morning! Happy Sunday!

Welllll Last week I shared the beautiful breads... they were delicious but (TRIGGER WARNING - Ouchies) on Monday evening I cut my finger pretty bad slicing into one. I had to go to urgent care - luckily no stitches, but they did need to steri-strip it closed because a band aid wasn't doing the job. It is healing up ok, but it has been a weird week and breadmaking is on a slight hiatus. 

In blog/ reading news, I am still doing a pretty good job. I am finished with a few more books this week and still ahead on my review-copy TBR. So exciting. 

I have some tiny plant babies sprouting 🌱 and the weather might be coming around. It is hard to say in NH because we have a few false-springs before the real one gets going.

How did your week treat you? I hope well 😊

Linking up this week with the Caffeinated Reviewer and her Sunday Post series.

xo steph

Coming up on the Blog

Early Reader Review: They Work: Honey Bees, Nature's Pollinators by June Smalls (Non-Fiction)
Early Reader Review: The Three-Year Tumble by Dayeon Auh (Youth)
FINALLY - Reading Re-Cap: February 2025

Books Received Recently...  

 Wild Love by Elsie Silver - From Audible, using up credits
You're Not a Real Dog Owner Until by Scott Dooley  - From Netgalley and the Publisher for review.

Have you missed anything lately?
What have you been reading?  How was your week? Feel free to leave a comment!

Happy Reading! 

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