Oct 23, 2019

Recent Reads: Frog's Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables by Michael James Dowling and Sarah Buell Dowling

Frog's Rainy-day Story and Other Fables
Frog's Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables by Michael James Dowling and Sarah Buell Dowling
Publisher:  Carpenter's Son Publishing
Publication Date:  October 1, 2019

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27405327-pop-manga-coloring-book?from_search=true  https://www.amazon.com/Pop-Manga-Coloring-Book-Beautiful/dp/0399578471?ie=UTF8&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0399578471&linkCode=as2&redirect=true&ref_=x_gr_w_bb&tag=x_gr_w_bb-20

Format: Ebook
Source: From Netagalley and Carpenter's Son Publishing in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.


Goodreads Synopsis: 
Teaching sound biblical values to our children and grandchildren has never been more vital. Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables expertly fills this need as a catalyst for honest family and church conversations about today’s confusing times and culture. As children journey through these eight amusing and thought-provoking fables, the book’s lively characters will become their fast friends and everyday teachers of timeless values and practical life lessons. The insightful stories help readers better appreciate the wisdom of God’s Word and how it is often at odds with the conventional wisdom of the world. Husband and wife creative team brings this 72-page hard cover book includes a glossary to help younger children learn the more challenging words. Parents, grandparents Christian educators and church leaders will find this book a valuable resource for family devotions, home school, and small group studies in churches. 

Frog's Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables is a collection of illustrated fables for kids, it is written at a 2nd-3rd grade reading level so that it can be enjoyed with a parent or without. There is a glossary at the end and each fable concludes with a simple wrap up and quotes that go along with the fable - Wisdom of the World, which is quotes from famous and important people and Wisdom of the Word, which is verses from the Bible. While this book is geared to be religious, it can also just be read as fables with out the other piece, so it may appeal to a broader audience that you might think.

The fables are beautifully illustrated and the characters are all animals, it is very cute. The fables themselves teach many great lessons for both young readers and adults like. The fables are short and quick to read and would be great at bedtime.

Overall, I think that if I wanted to buy a book of fables, for me this would not be the best fit due to the Christian element, however if you don't mind that aspect, then this might be a great book for you to use to share those religious values with your children or possibly grandchildren.

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