Apr 5, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Liebster is a German word for Beloved. So the Liebster Blog Award literally means Beloved Blog Award!  The award is given to bloggers with under 200 followers. These blogs are "the best kept secrets"out there!

I want to thank Emily at HookedinaBook for presenting me and my blog with this awesome award! You have no idea how happy it made me,it was a nice surprise and it was very much appreciated!

So here are my five people that I give the Liebster Award to:

I love these blogs, they have great reviewers and great recommendations :)

So Here are the rules to participate:

  • Thank the person which nominated you in a blog post.
  • You can nominate up to five other blogs.
  • Let them know you have nominated them by leaving a comment on their   blog.
  • Post the award on your blog.


  1. Thanks Stephanie!
    Congratulations on receiving this... You so deserve it!

  2. Thank you Stephanie! I enjoy your blog and it is indeed one of the best kept secrets out there! :)

  3. Thank you both! I am glad you are enjoying it :)

  4. Stephanie, thank you so much for this award. I'm really happy that you've thought of me! However, I already participated in this before, so I won't be able to participate this time. But really, I am so happy receiving this again! Here's my post about it: http://bluestribbon.blogspot.com/2012/03/liebster-blog-award.html
