
May 4, 2013

Building the Book Pile #50

Welcome to Building the Book Pile! 
A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Happy Saturday Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people!

Giveaways Going on NOW!

Earth Day Celebration Giveaway -- Enter NOW!

Others linked on the right sidebar :)
Aberrant Giveaway
Trickster's Totem Giveaway
Blood and Snow Ebook Giveaway
Distraction Giveaway

  Coming up on the Blog...

 3rd Annual Spring Blog Carnival - Dunking Booth stop
Blog Tour: Review -- Playing Hooky 
Blog Blitz: Spotlight -- Heart Murmurs 
Blog Blitz: Spotlight --  Shucked  


What I got this week...

Ebooks for Review
Agent Colt Shore Domino 29 Tristis Manor Fall For Me (The Tate Chronicles, #1)  
Agent Colt Shore Domino 29 by Axel Avian from Arundel Publishing for review
Tristis Manor by JR Wagner from Netgalley (The Never Chronicles #1.5) 
Fall for Me by KA Last from Author for blog tour review

Physical Books/ Audiobooks for Review

 Paranormal Properties by Tracy Lane from Librarything Early Reviewers program
Patalosh by

 Warp: The Reluctant Assassin by Eoin Colfer from Random House Audio for review
The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan from Random House Audio for Review
Doll Bones by Holly Black from Random House Audio for Review -- So excited for this one!

Have you missed anything lately? 


Link me up to your piles! Happy Reading!

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