
May 6, 2013

Spring Blog Carnival: Dunking Booth

Hello and welcome to the 3rd Annual Spring Blog Carnival, hosted by Angela from Reading Angel, Candace from Candace’s Book Blog, and Lori from Pure Imagination

For my stop test your skills in the water of the ...

Dunking Booth

The prizes here will be Mermaid themed...
1 winner will receive an audiobook copy of Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama and a Hardback copy of Fins are Forever by Tera Lynn Childs

(My giveaway is US only...sorry everyone, shipping is crazy 
and I don't blog for $$)

All you have to do is answer the question in the Rafflecopter below correctly ☺

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you are feeling the love, please feel free to follow my blog or tweet about the Dunking booth (twitter link at the bottom of the post) 


  1. I love love love the Little Mermaid!! Thanks for hosting!

  2. I laughed at your stumper question. Nice one:)

  3. AHH!! I've been craving for the MB audiobook for ages, because my library doesn't have it. This is awesome!
