
Aug 22, 2024

Recent Reads: The Secret of Poppyridge Cove by Rimmy London

The Secret of Poppyridge Cove by Rimmy London
Series: Poppyridge Cove #1
Publisher: n/a
Publication Date: 
June 4, 2020

Format: Ebook
Source: Freebie during a Stuff your Kindle day.


Goodreads Synopsis: 
A hauntingly beautiful seaside mansion has been abandoned for decades... and for good reason.
When Abby stumbles on the crumbling estate, she's uncommonly drawn to it. Not even the chilling sight on the back porch or the two million dollar price tag can keep her from wondering... what if it were hers?

A cozy mystery and on-again, off-again romance that will have your toes curling in delight. This series starter promises to have pages turning and hearts warming, and will leave you anxiously awaiting your next trip to The Inn at Poppyridge Cove.
If you have been here long enough, you know that I judge a book by its cover and this cover won me over. During a recent Stuff your Kindle day of freebies, that is the first step... looking through all the covers and titles then doing a deeper dive into the synopsis so I can pick a few. Always a hard decision with so many great books available. 

The Secret of Poppyridge Cove is a cozy mystery about a young woman named Abby that stumbles on a vacant mansion in the woods and cannot stop thinking about it. Sadly there are a bunch of murdered animals on the porch and no one knows why. 

The book is cute and shorter in length, but felt more like a jumbled romance than a cozy mystery. They mystery dynamic was 2-fold, who / what is killing things at the house and who/ why did this random relative leave Abby all this money. I enjoyed the book and it pushed forward easily but in the end felt a bit rushed. Abby as a main character was an interesting one, it was like the author wanted a lot of cahracter development along the way but was stunted a bit by the plot and how to feed it to the readers. While Abby moves through her emotions and wonderment about the house, the reader is on that journey but it feels like a whirlwind. 

I also hated the male lead, her boyfriend, Chase. He gave me red-flag bad vibes, even though he was supposed to be the 'nice' guy in the book... yes, there was another... even more ick. 

I am intrigued that this is a 7 book series thus far and how the author spins out more tales about this location, but I am good with just this one for now. 

If you are looking for something short and a start of a series, this might be for you. But be prepared for a lot of animal death and blood in this first one.... but the cover is super cute.

Aug 18, 2024

Building the Book Pile #459

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Busy week, but audiobooks for the win lately. I am able to do work and gardening and listen and still get some reading done (yay)

Today was a long Sunday of rec. softball playoffs, so this post is later than anticipated. We played and had fun but didn't make it to the end. I ended the afternoon with a much needed nap.

xo steph

Coming up on the Blog

This Week:


Coming closer to their release dates: 

A Great Big Virtual Hug - Review up on Sept. 3
Wacky Witches and their Peculiar Familiars - Review up on Sept. 5
Hope It All Works Out - Review up on Sept. 17

Books Received Recently...  

Lightfall by Ed Crocker - from the publisher for review, Out Jan. 2025

What have you been reading?  Leave a comment for me.

Happy Reading!

Aug 15, 2024

Recent Reads: The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins

Source: From Netgalley and the publisher in exhange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins 
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication Date:  January 9, 2024

Format: Ebook from publisher / Audiobook borrowed from library


Goodreads Synopsis: 
When Ruby McTavish Callahan Woodward Miller Kenmore dies, she’s not only North Carolina’s richest woman, she’s also its most notorious. The victim of a famous kidnapping as a child and a widow four times over, Ruby ruled the tiny town of Tavistock from Ashby House, her family’s estate high in the Blue Ridge mountains. In the aftermath of her death, that estate—along with a nine-figure fortune and the complicated legacy of being a McTavish—pass to her adopted son, Camden.

But to everyone’s surprise, Cam wants little to do with the house or the money—and even less to do with the surviving McTavishes. Instead, he rejects his inheritance, settling into a normal life as an English teacher in Colorado and marrying Jules, a woman just as eager to escape her own messy past.

Ten years later, Camden is a McTavish in name only, but a summons in the wake of his uncle’s death brings him and Jules back into the family fold at Ashby House. Its views are just as stunning as ever, its rooms just as elegant, but coming home reminds Cam why he was so quick to leave in the first place.

Jules, however, has other ideas, and the more she learns about Cam’s estranged family—and the twisted secrets they keep—the more determined she is for her husband to claim everything Ruby once intended for him to have.

But Ruby’s plans were always more complicated than they appeared. As Ashby House tightens its grip on Jules and Camden, questions about the infamous heiress come to light. Was there any truth to the persistent rumors following her disappearance as a girl? What really happened to those four husbands, who all died under mysterious circumstances? And why did she adopt Cam in the first place? Soon, Jules and Cam realize that an inheritance can entail far more than what’s written in a will—and that the bonds of family stretch far beyond the grave.
I received this book and sadly it took far too long for it to make its way onto my TBR list. Rachel Hawkins sets a brilliant stage for mystery, intrigue, secrets, and lies with this family. 

Rudy is shrouded in mystery throughout this book, she was kidnapped when she was young and eventually returned. She has been married four times, but sadly all of the have passed away in some pretty freak accidents. Finally, instead of leaving her wealth to her sister, she decided to adopt a little boy and he, Camden, was left with a fortune when she finally passed away. 

There was so much going on in this book, partially  about Rudy and her like through letters, it also follows Camden and Jules. Camden inherited all this money but just lets the rest of the McTavish's use it and still live in the mansion while he pretends that this horrible family that never accepted him don't exist. 

There was so much going on throughout this mystery. Between Cam and Jules, and all the other family members and then Ruby and her story. I loved Ruby's letters they were so good. Ruby was strong, sadly for all the wrong reasons, but she was also determined and independent and often sarcastic and unreliable.

Jules is also a POV, she is telling her story as she hopes for Cam to settle here. She yearns for the life they could have with this money. Cam feels scandalized by this family most of the time, they are rude, mean and so unaccepting, but he holds the cards to them having anything and staying in the house. Sadly, he just lets them live because he is far nicer than all of them. 

This was a crazy, exciting, read and it kept my head spinning the whole time. If you like mysteries, secrets, lies and a dose of murder, this could be a great read for you. 

Aug 13, 2024

Blog Tour: Review- If You Were a Seed by Claudia GJ Moore

If You Were a Seed by Claudia GJ Moore  
Publisher: Blossom Spring Publishing
Publication Date:  June 4, 2024  

 About the Book: 

If you could be anything, what would you be?

Imagine being a seed, a tiny, pocket-sized seed. You could grow anywhere!

Perhaps in a lush, green meadow or in the middle of a well-walked path. You could settle in an old and forgotten pot or by your school’s front door. Or maybe somewhere entirely different!

A fascinating subject to explore with children, encouraging thought-provoking conversations with infinite possibilities to consider and imagine. Delve into the rich world of words and be amazed by the beautiful and relentless power of nature.

If you are looking for a cute, beautifully illustrated book for kids about seeds or plants, or even the idea of endless possibilities, this might just be the book for you and your family. 

If You Were A Seed is a children's book about how seeds could plant themselves, in a pot, by the road, in a meadow, by the front door of the school and how their placement impacts them in various ways. 

The book is all about the possibilities and can likely be adapted to other lessons and topics as well. This is a cute and quick read. The illustrations are beautiful and whimsically done in watercolor and possibly some marker, and highlights the beauty of the world around us and for the seeds. It is very simple, no rhyming, but impactful wording. Parent readers might have to help young readers really understand the overall picture painted by the wording, all those possibilities and chances and differences but it is still a pretty book either way.

The end of the book also includes some information about seeds, how they can be carried and dispersed, and how some can be pods or go dormant. it also encourages readers to plant seeds - which I am a huge fan of. My only concern is that seeds can be more than just flowers... there is some imagery of corn and wheat, but the main focus was on flowers by the illustrator and it could be broadened when talked about is all. 

Overall, this was a fun book, and I think that many children will enjoy it.

About the Author

Born in Mexico City, Claudia is a keen traveller and a passionate educator. She began her career in teaching soon after becoming a mother.

In the summer of 2015, while living in a charming old village house in the south of England, her decade-long idea of writing children’s books started to take shape and the idea of stepping into someone or something else’s journey through life, started to emerge.

As an educator, she has always tried to push the boundaries of language and imagination by providing exciting, ambitious vocabulary and ideas to children - as she believes there’s no better age to do so. She hopes to tap into children’s wondrous creativity and provide a way for parents, teachers and carers to rocket children’s imaginations with the beautiful world of words

Find the Author 



Aug 12, 2024

Recent Reads: A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas

A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas 
Series: The Lady Sherlock #1
Publisher: Berkley 
Publication Date: 
October 18, 2016

Format: Ebook
Source: Bought/Own


Goodreads Synopsis: 
USA Today bestselling author Sherry Thomas turns the story of the renowned Sherlock Holmes upside down in the first novel in this Victorian mystery series….

With her inquisitive mind, Charlotte Holmes has never felt comfortable with the demureness expected of the fairer sex in upper class society. But even she never thought that she would become a social pariah, an outcast fending for herself on the mean streets of London.

When the city is struck by a trio of unexpected deaths and suspicion falls on her sister and her father, Charlotte is desperate to find the true culprits and clear the family name. She’ll have help from friends new and old—a kind-hearted widow, a police inspector, and a man who has long loved her.

But in the end, it will be up to Charlotte, under the assumed name Sherlock Holmes, to challenge society’s expectations and match wits against an unseen mastermind.
Sherlock Holmes with a twist - Lady Sherlock. 

Charlotte Holmes isn't your typical 'lady' of society and she doesnt want to be. She wants to become her own woman. So she does. 

This first book sets the stage - Charlotte ruins her prospects and leaves home to try life on her own. She wants to be a headmistress or so she thinks. A series of unfortunate events lead her to Mrs. Watson, a widow, benefactor will ing to help her out and she can fully become her alter ego - Sherlock.

The twists were cute and some unpredictable. I liked the multi-point of view murder mystery with detectives and Sherlock and Charlotte's stories all intermingling. Charlotte was a stubborn but really smart main character to follow and like most murder mysteries the intrigue of it all and who-done-it was fun and exciting. 

This book and the series were recommended to me by a friend at work and I am so glad it was. It is the first book in a long series, so I am excited to pick them up along the way. I really enjoyed the female Sherlock and Watson, very fun and I know it will cause some headache down the line making for some great mysteries and adventures.

If you are looking for a new mystery series, this might be a great fit!

Aug 11, 2024

Building the Book Pile #458

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

It has been a few weeks, but I am here. Reading, being outside, before it gets too cold here in New England. 

xo steph

Coming up on the Blog

This Week:
Recent Reads: The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins (Adult)
Blog Tour: Review - If You Were A Seed by Claudia GJ Moore (Youth)
Recent Reads: A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas (Adult)

Coming closer to their release dates: 

A Great Big Virtual Hug - Review up on Sept. 3
Wacky Witches and their Peculiar Familiars - Review up on Sept. 5
Hope It All Works Out - Review up on Sept. 17

Books Received Recently...  

What have you been reading?  Leave a comment for me.

Happy Reading!

Aug 6, 2024

Early Reader Review: Navigating With You by Jeremy Whitley

Source: From Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

Navigating With You by Jeremy Whitley, Illustrated by Casio Ribiero 
Publisher: Maverick
Publication Date:  August 13, 2024

Format: Ebook


Goodreads Synopsis: 
A charming POC-led WLW romance where two new friends hit the road in search of the missing volumes of their favorite manga.

Neesha Sparks is a disabled, vocal community activist with a passion for costume design. Gabby Graciana is an optimistic surfer - and, like Neesha, a new kid at school. When the two girls discover that they like the same manga series, Navigator Nozomi, they become more than just fellow new kids. But it was more than just having read the same book series--neither of them had finished it! Soon, they become new friends on a mission - to track down the remaining Navigator Nozomi books. This slice-of-life romance follows the two girls as they adventure across North Carolina to find each book, with their story intercut with the tales of Navigator Nozomi. Neesha and Gabby find more than just the books though—they find acceptance, friendship, understanding, and love.

Neesha and Gabby are both new to North Carolina, Gabby from Florida and Neesha from NYC. They come together on thier first day of school and Gabby immediately makes Neesha her friend... whether Neesha wants a friend or not. 

As the synopsis notes, Neesha is disabled. She uses braces on her legs, has trouble with balance, and sometimes needs to use a wheel chair, BUT she is strong and doesn't want her diability to be the only thing people see when they meet her. Gabby acknowleges but doesn't press her. I liked that this book had all sorts of rep. Disability, lesbian and bi characters, and diversity of race as well for both MCs. It was great to see in a graphic novel. 

What made this book even more unique was that it house a manga inside he graphic novel. Gabby and Neesha come together and learn about each other through their book club reading a manga series. Which is adorable. 

This was a really nicely done girl love graphic novel. However you will want to punch a few people in the face along the way. This book has a lot of emotion throughout it. It was realistic and wonderful and I think so many people will enjoy it. 

Aug 2, 2024

Recent Reads: Scarred by Emily McIntire

Scarred by Emily McIntire 
Series: Never After #2
Publisher: Bloom Books
Publication Date:  January 4, 2022

Format: Paperback + Audible Audiobook
Source: Bought/ Own


Goodreads Synopsis: 
She doesn't belong to him...she belongs to the crown.

Prince Tristan Faasa was never destined for the throne. That was always his brother, Michael. The same brother responsible for both Tristan's tormented childhood and the scar that mars his face. When their father dies, Michael is set to assume the throne, and Tristan is set to steal it. The leader of a secret rebellion, Tristan will stop at nothing to end his brother's reign. But when Michael's new betrothed, Lady Sara Beatreaux arrives, Tristan finds himself in the middle of a new kind of war. The kind that begs the question of what's more important, the crown or the woman about to wear it.

Sara has one plan. Marry the King and eradicate the Faasa line, even at the risk of her own peril. But she never expects the Scarred Prince. He's dangerous. Forbidden. And one of the men she's been sent to kill. But the line between hatred and passion has never seemed so thin, and as secrets come to light, Sara grows unsure of whom she can trust—torn between vengeance and the villain she was never supposed to love.

Scarred is a DARK Royal Romance and a complete standalone within The Never After Series (A series of fractured fairy tales inspired by our favorite villains). It is not a retelling or fantasy. It contains subject matter which may be triggering for some. Reader discretion is advised.
This very loose retelling of the Lion King follows Tristain (aka Scar) and Sara. Sara is put in place to end the Faasa line - they killed her father, and she is out for blood, biding her time as the king's consort and soon to be  fiancĂ©/ queen - she is plotting. 

Tristian - always bullied, always left to himself - is also trying to take over the kingdom. The crown should be his, his brother is unstable as a ruler - leaving people to starve and die and always keeping for himself. Tristian though is also a pretty violent man, so most keep their distance from the Scarred prince. 

Sara, however, finds herself drawn to the shadow and allure of him. 

I really enjoyed this book. I know that they can be over the top "you are mine" but that is what I like about them. There were lots of 'in the shadows' moments between Sara and Tristain that were lovely for the build, their enemies to lovers ...very steamy lovers I might add, was very satisfying. 

I appreciated that Sara was the assassin, she was sneaky and determined and strong. I like strong MCs and jealous men. Since this is told in dual POV - Sara and Tristain, you see both. Tristain going insane for her, and Sara so confused about her mission versus her feelings for him.  Both falling for each other SO hard. I liked them finding out about each other through small interactions in the dark and having time to connect. I know it was cheesy at times, but the plot was quick moving and because we have both POVs it was a very quick read overall. 

I think I could have done without the final Epilogue but overall, If you like a spicy retelling this was a fun one and I enjoyed it. 

Aug 1, 2024

Monthly Re-Cap & TBR Pile (August 2024)

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Here is the progress from July

I think I did pretty well for July reading. I had a few 'back up books' on my list just in case my mood changed and I am glad that I did. 

Instead of reading Juniper and Thorn (I will get to it) I finished up Iron Flame and read Navigating You (a graphic novel releasing in August).

~~Books I Read in July 2024~~   



  • The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins (review)
  • Queen of the Night by Elizabeth Muse
  • The Power of Saying No by Vanessa Patrick (prof. dev)
  • The Secret of Poppyridge Cove by Rimmy London
  • A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal
  • Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce

How was your July reading?  

Feel free to share it in the comments below! I would love to know what you are reading!