
May 7, 2013

Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway -- Playing Hooky by Rita Webb

Playing Hooky by Rita Webb

Series: Paranormal Investigations #1
Publication: January 21st 2013
Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance
Length: Novella (100 pages)

About the Book

Valentine’s Day.

And my 21st birthday.


Just another college day full of classes and more homework than is humanly possible.

…until Jason, my best-friend-since-
kindergarten, shows up to take me out for the day.

Like old times: the two of us on a wacky adventure, playing hooky from real life. With his lopsided grin and tickets to a circus full of misfits and monsters, he introduces me to a whole new world—one full of magic and mystery—and turns my reality upside down.

Except nothing goes as planned, and we end up running through the city to find a missing siren before someone brews a love potion with her blood.

Sirens and love potions, witches and elves, and Valentine kisses. Nothing will be the same for me again

Purchase Links
Amazon/ Barnes & Noble

 My Rating:

Background: Emma and Jason have been friends, best friends, since they were kids. Now they are in college, single at the same time, and it is Emma's birthday. It just so happens that Jason has showed up to give her a very special and magical day.

Review: This was a very cute novella, only about 100 pages long so it was a quick and easy read. Emma and Jason are adorable together, all embarrassing moments and tension. The story was cute too, it is Valentine's Day and they must figure out who is trying to make a love potion; only before today, Emma didn't even know magical creatures and love spells existed.

I enjoyed the back and forth and tension of Emma and Jason, and found the magical elements intriguing and fantastical. The chapters are set up in a back and forth between Emma's and Jason's point of views which I loved, no need to question their motives, because as a reader you knew them all, and at times it made to story even more quirky.

I did have some issue though, Emma is very quick to believe in some pretty outrageous things, without freaking out. I was bothered by it, but at the same time thought it was part show of the character to be closer with Jason... not sure.. this is only #1 in a series, so there may be more to tell, and I do believe there is. Cannot wait to see more from this writer.

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About the Author

Leaving the house to go to school, I had schoolbooks spilling out of one hand, the other holding my place in
a Nancy Drew novel, and bunny slippers still on my feet. My mom was a wee bit upset.

I haven't changed much. Still always have a book (or two) in my hand or creating stories in my head, and although I don't have any bunny slippers, I love writing in my jammies and snuggly slipper socks.

When I grow up (maybe a hundred years from now), I'd like to be a superhero, but for now, saving the day, one page at a time, suits me just fine.

With my husband TJ (my own cuddly werewolf), I home-school our three girls, who keep us busy with art, science projects, books to read, dance classes, and walks about the park.


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the sweet review! I appreciate the time you took to read my book and share your thoughts!
