
Nov 30, 2016

Recent Reads: Cheating Lessons by Nan Willard Cappo

Source: From the Author in the exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.
Cheating Lessons
Cheating Lesson: A Novel by Nan Willard Cappo
Publisher:  Tadmar Press
Publication Date:  May 2016

Format: Paperback



Goodreads Synopsis: 
Can honesty be the worst policy?

Bernadette Terrell has always known the right thing to do. Not the most popular girl in school, her focus has always been on academic, not social, success. When her favorite teacher names her to Wickham High School's state championship quiz bowl team, she believes that she has reached the pinnacle of her high school academic career. However, her elation quickly fades as she begins to suspect that perhaps someone cheated to get Wickham into the contest and is cheating still. 

In her search for answers, Bernadette must contend with a situation that isn't black and white, where a community's hope, hard work, and pride are on the line. Is a team -- and a school -- implicated by one person's behavior?

Cappo's blend of suspense and humor makes Cheating Lessons a riveting story about right and wrong -- and the downside of trust.

Bernadette is a high school student who loves the thrill of winning with her debate team and she is a very smart girl. When she and her classmates score higher than other schools on a quiz bowl exam they are entered into a competition with loads of prizes and the chance to beat a rival school, one that has beaten her before. Bernadette and the quiz bowl team are very excited to get started learning all the info that they need to compete but Bernadette has a nagging feeling that maybe something was not tallied correctly.

This was a very interesting book about pressure and cheating and honesty. Bernadette was not really a very likable character at first, she is intense and overly critical and  pretty rude because of these traits so I was not really drawn into the story in the beginning. Eventually I did feel for her but more-so because the story felt like a mystery unraveling itself than because she was in distress.

I found this to be an interesting story about the subject matter and the characters grew but it was a slower read for me. Luckily in the end, I ended up enjoying the book overall. Bernadette becomes almost a new character and the anxiety of it all fades away... a very truthful tale that is bound to make you cringe but overall a good read. 


Nov 29, 2016

Monthly Re-Cap: November 2016

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

How did we already get to the end of November?!
How was your month?!

Link me up in the comments section! 


     ~~Books Read in November~~     

Awkward Monstress #7 Disney Manga Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas A Boy Called Christmas  Ready, Set, Find Christmas  Harley Quinn (2016-) #6  Cheating Lessons  Harley Quinn (2016-) #7  Solutions for Cold Feet and Other Little Problems

How did I do on my November TBR?
I read 1 out of the 4 books I wanted to read - I am almost done with another one but I DID read a few others for the RAT :)

~~Links to Some Reviews~~
~~ Reviews Coming in December ~~   

  • Solutions for Cold Feet and Other Little Problems by Carey Sookocheff (Youth)
  • Ready, Set, Find Christmas (Youth) 
  •   Rebirth Harley Quinn #7 by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner (Comic)

        Nov 28, 2016

        Release Day: Crown of Cinders by Rebecca Ethington

        Available now is the final installment to the Imdalind Series. Discover more secrets. Find the end to all your favorite character's stories. Laugh. Cry. Fall in love with Imdalind all over again.
        The Internationally Best-Selling Imdalind Series comes to a close in this long awaited heart-pounding conclusion. For centuries the war that has raged within magic has ripped the world apart. Fought between Skȓítek and Trpaslík; killing father and son, and destroying a fragile balance between mortal and magic. For centuries everyone has been awaiting the Silnỳ, searching for the girl who was prophesized. The girl with power strong enough to defeat the evil that plagued the world, and bring the war to an end. For centuries, everyone was wrong. The Silnỳ was not what they had been told, the promises of future distorted by a sight that was tarnished. The evil was not what they had expected, not what they had been fighting against. Instead it was hidden amongst them; plotting, waiting for their time to strike. And it did. With fire and blade the hidden evil took it’s place upon a throne of blood. The evil has shown itself and now only one person can save them all. But with Sights that are no longer infallible and armies that are abandoning their king – it is no longer clear who that person is, or even if they have the courage to stand up to the evil and face their end.

        Nov 27, 2016

        Building the Book Pile #123

        Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

        Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

        Morning Everyone! I hope that your Thanksgiving (if you were in the US) was full of love and delicious food! The hubs and I invited over people but it was a very small showing but that was great, we got to play video games and we watched some tv together 😁

        I watched most of the parade too, I love the parade. How was your Thanksgiving?

        NOW ON TO CHRISTMAS (or your preferred winter holiday).  
        I worked a lot this weekend due to the holiday sales but we did get some things done. We put up all our holiday lights outside, and I put our fake tree up and decorated the living room.  We started holiday shopping and are planning a potluck and Yankee Swap for after the holiday with friends. Today I am going to watch the new Gilmore Girls show 😀 and write my holiday cards... and I also really need to get some reading done! I am SOOOOO horribly behind. (and my book club meets on Wednesday 😕)

        Here is Etsy still, if you want to pop in, there are a few hats and baby booties up there now:

          Giveaways  on Cover2CoverBlog!

        Coming up on the Blog...

        Blog Blast: Crown of Cinders by Rebecca Ethington (YA)
        Social Media Blasy: Nightfall Bay by Carolyn Rose
        Recent Reads: Cheating Lessons by Nan Willard Cappo (YA)
        Monthly Re-Cap: November 2016
        December 2016 TBR Pile
        Blog Tour Review: Poppies for Christmas by Stacy Renee Keywell (YA)

        Books Received this Week    

          Kyle Evans and the Deadly Plague (Kyle Evans #2)

        Kyle Evans and the Deadly Plague by Rob Hunt - from the Author for review
        Have you missed anything lately?

        Week of November 20- November 26

        Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything, post and I will happily stop by and say hello!
        Happy Reading!