
Sep 4, 2022

Building the Book Pile #409

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Hi there - I pushed through Book of Night... ummm review later this week.

If you are in the U.S., I hope you are having a great long weekend. We went to a Brewfest on Saturday afternoon, did some grocery shopping, are having a grilling day today for my Dad's birthday, and tomorrow I think we are just hanging out and might watch a movie with some friends. 

Between all the fun things I am trying to get some reading in...I have also been playing my Switch, Still Animal Crossing, but I just finished a game called Strange Horticulture thatwas dark and creepy and a puzzle game about plants. It was fun. There are multiple endings and I finished one of them, I might go backthrough and try for the others.

So what are you up to this weekend?

XOXO - Steph

If you are interested in supporting my ability to stay awake and read please consider dontating - Coffee  is appreciated ... Ko-fi

Coming up on the Blog

Early Reader Review: What We Saw by Mary Downing Hahn (MG)

Recent Reads: Book of Night by Holly Black (Adult)

Early Reader Reivew: Welcome, Dark by Charis St. Pierre (Youth)

Books Received Recently...   


Rust in the Root by Justina Ireland  - from Harpercollins and Blazer and Bray for review

Comment or leave me a link and I will see you online again soon.
Happy Reading!

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