
Jun 13, 2021

Blog Tour: Review - The Reckoning by Marisa Noelle

Source: From the author in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

The Reckoning by Marisa Noelle  
Series: The Unadjusteds #3
Publisher: Marisa Noelle
Publication Date:  May 6th, 2021
Page Count: 326 pages
Ages: 12-18

Format: Ebook


Goodreads Synopsis: 
The final instalment of The Unadjusteds trilogy…


Sinister visions of an evil entity with looming yellow eyes haunt Silver’s dreams, threatening to destroy the new world she and her friends have created. The terrifying omens push Silver to experiment with her abilities, but awaken a burgeoning thirst for more power.

As Silver walks a fine line between good and evil, her friends become wary of her intimidating abilities. She finds understanding in a sympathetic newcomer, but their deepening friendship drives an even deeper wedge between Silver and her suspicious friends.

Tragedy strikes during preparations for the final stand, bringing a terrible choice. Grief drives Silver toward reckless actions that may doom the final battle. Can she repair the relationships with her friends and control her powers before her vision becomes reality? 
The below review will inevitably have spoilers for books 1 and 2 of this series, if you have not read them yet – please do not read this review unless you are ok with some things being spoiled.

Want to read about Book 1 and Book 2 - Reviews here!



[spoilers starting now!]
The Reckoning is the third installment of the Altered series. It follows an eighteen-year-old named Silver that has been saving the world from evil people looking to wipe out populations, change everyone into genetically modified monsters, and just generally being mean. She has done a great job up to this point and it seems like the danger has passed. Everyone is trying to rebuild, refocus, and to mentally adjust to the new normal. Silver has it worse that a lot of others – she is burdened by a multitude of powers, some of which she does not even know are there, her mother is not doing well, and her father is off trying to find someone to help his wife. Silver is practically alone in this new world – her family is not there, and her powers make her dangerous and people fear her.

The beginning of this book is a bit slower than the others in the series, we are focusing on mental well-being and coping, and the realization that nothing will ever be the same versus action. The action comes later, closer to the end of the book. I liked the mental health focus in this story, I think it needed to be done given the amount that this team has been through in the past books. There as a lot of death and trauma.

I really enjoyed this series, especially how it all cam to an end. However, I had a lot of feelings about the relationships in this book, they were all a bit icky for me. Matt has always been a sense of calming for Silver, they have been through a lot and have had to grow up very quickly because of it all, but this book painted him differently. The book is told from mostly Silver’s point of view, but Matt in her eyes because less invested in her well-being and seemed to want to just wipe away what had happened, and that is NOT how trauma works. Silver must be responsible for so much and he is not helping her deal with or embrace anything. Then he takes a moment to talk about rebuilding the population as she is suffering not knowing about what is already inside her – not cool man! Not cool at all. I felt VERY off-put by the situation that he puts her in. What made it worse was that the second he touched her she became malleable and gave in, which that is characteristic of her in previous books, it was amplified here, and I needed less of that.

All that said, I really liked this conclusion. The ending was a slap in the face, in a good way. I did not see it coming and had an “Oh WOW!” reaction while I was reading. If you are looking for an action-packed, dystopian series, this is a great one to pick up.

About the Author
Marisa Noelle is the writer of middle grade & young adult novels in the genres of
science-fiction, fantasy & mental health including The Shadow Keepers, The Unadjusteds Trilogy (The Unadjusteds, The Rise of the Altereds, & The Reckoning), and The Mermaid Chronicles – Secrets of the Deep.

She is a mentor for the Write Mentor program that helps aspiring MG & YA authors. With dual citizenship, Marisa has lived on both sides of the Atlantic and uses settings in both the USA and UK as inspiration for her novels.

When she’s not writing or reading or watching movies, she enjoys swimming. In the pool she likes to imagine she could be a mermaid and become part of some of her make-believe words. Despite being an avid bookworm from the time she could hold a book, being an author came as a bit of a surprise to her as she was a bit of a science geek at school. She lives in Woking, UK with her husband and three children. You can find her on Twitter @MarisaNoelle77 or her website

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