
Apr 3, 2016

Building the Book Pile #181

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 
BLARG... work has been so busy, it needs to calm down before I go crazy! But all in all I guess the week was ok. We finished the trim in our kitchen - it looks so nice and I am happy to not be living in a messy kitchen anymore. We have had a few nice days too :)

The weather here has been pretty nutty though. We are going from 70 and sunny to 30 and snow flurries.... within a few days. :/ 

Anywhoooo... so last week I was too pooped to write about it but my first work bookclub meeting was a flop, only one person showed up and she had not finished the book :/  I am going to try again, we read a book every 2 months and meet so next will be in May, we wanted to keep it simple for being a 'work' thing.

I  hope that all of YOU had a wonderful week!
  Giveaways on Cover2CoverBlog!

 It's my Birthday Month now, so there will be one from me at the end of the month :)
Also one this week for a Blog Tour!

Coming up on the Blog... 

Discussion: Read More!
Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway! Our Love Grows by Anna Pignataro
Waiting on Wednesday
Recent Reads: Princess Mia (The Princess Diaries #9) by Meg Cabot
Recent Reads: Aphrodite: Goddess of Love by George O'Connor   

  Books Received this Week 

Aphrodite: Goddess of Love (Olympians, #6)
Aphrodite: Goddess of Love by George O'Connor from my Pen Pal :)

Have you missed anything lately?

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