
Dec 1, 2015

Early Reader Review: A Fairy Extraordinary Christmas Story by A.J. York

Source: From the Author in exchange for an honest review. Receiving this book in no way alters my opinion or review.

A Fairy Extraordinary Christmas Story
A Fairy Extraordinary Christmas Story by A.J. York
Publisher: Nove Sky Books
Publication Date:  December 1, 2015


Format: ebook



Goodreads Synopsis: 
Upstairs in the Anderson’s attic there is chatter coming from the Christmas, Easter and Halloween boxes. Someone new has arrived. Tallulah the Christmas Fairy wakes to find herself attached to the top of a tree. She soon makes friends and has a magical first Christmas. Once the festivities are over, Tallulah finds herself in the attic with the other decorations from Easter and Halloween. Each year they watch the seasons change as they wait excitedly for their turn to go downstairs. Until one day new boxes appear and then the unthinkable happens. A Fairy Extraordinary Christmas Story is a magical and uplifting tale for the whole family.

A Fairy Extraordinary Christmas Story is a magical tale about holiday decorations come to life and how they experience the holidays. The book was very short but I think young readers will really enjoy it. 

The story itself is whimsical and creative and I have always loved the idea of toys coming to life, so why not decorations? This was a creative adaptation to a commonly told tale and it was adorable.  York does a great job weaving the holidays together and the decorations all seem so cute and fun. 

Although it is short the story was a wonderful one about being together and celebrating. I think that any parent would agree it is a wonderful Christmas story to add to the collection.

Other Books by A.J. York
Delilah Dusticle #1 (MG)  
Delilah Dusticle's Transylvanian Adventure (Delilah Dusticle #2) (MG)  
Eliza Bluebell #1 (MG)


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