
Aug 29, 2015

ARC August #5 Weekend Re-Cap

arc august 
ARC August Weekend #5 (The Last Weekend):
Saturday Preview and Re-cap

Happy August!

It is finally time for me to get things rolling with ARC August and I couldn't be more excited to do it. I have 6 books that were in my goals list and so many more from Publishers that I would love to get to!

In these last few days I hope to start and finish...

  Sacrificed by Emily Wibberley

Sacrificed (The Last Oracle, #1)   

I finished a few shorter books this week and a few for Blog Tours so there wasn't a lot of ARC August progress, but ARCs were read that weren't on the list. Which is fine.

The Banished Craft (Shkode, #1)Stay! A Top Dog Story

Every Last Word

     Reviews are up! Go check them out :)
Every Last Word
The Banished Craft

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