
Oct 5, 2014

Building the Book Pile #109

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

What's Happening?! 
How was your week ? Let me know in the comments.

It has been a few weeks since I have posted about my week. Work has been a bit stressful and while at home I am trying to relax a little more - playing video games, watching more TV... my new favorite show is Blacklist (I just started it so no spoilers!) but I love it. And since I have been a bit out of the blogging loop I have been being a bit slow about the reading as well. I have a few books I am trying to get through but nothing is feeling right.

How was your week? Anything fun happen? Any good new books?  Have you entered my Something Wicked Strikes giveaway? -- You Should :)

Next week I hope to have pictures of my Halloween decorations for ya. I love Halloween it is a wonderful time of year :D

Giveaways Going on Now!!



Coming up on the Blog... 

    Nothing is scheduled to go up on the blog this week so I will try to finish a book or two to have some reviews up for you :) Maybe some Halloween goodies.

    Books Received these Past Weeks

    Physical Books


    The Wizard of Oz collection from Sweet Cherry Publishing for review consideration - this wonderful publishing company sent me this whole box set - 15 books, I am so excited and cannot wait to get started on them.
    The Diaries of Robin's Toys by Ken and Angie Lake from Sweet Cherry Publishing for review consideration -I also got this set of 10 books from Sweet Cherry.

    Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #1, #2, and #3: #1: Professor Gargoyle, #2: The Slither Sisters, #3: Teacher's Pest
    Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #1-3 by Charles Gilman (audiobook)- Won from Quirk Book from a Facebook Giveaway 
    Links go to Goodreads and/or Publisher Site.

    Have you missed anything lately? 


     September Re-Cap

    Something Wicked Strikes Giveaway

    Blog Tour: Review and Giveaway -- Blade Singer (YA)

    Early Reader Review: The Adventure of the Thimblewitch (Graphic Novel) 

    Recent Reads: Bad Magic (MG) 

    Bloggiesta End of the Line


      Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything post and I will happily stop by and say hello!

     Happy Reading!

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