
May 4, 2014

Building the Book Pile #89

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

What's Happening?!

Hello wonderful readers! This week has been a little slow in terms of blogging and reading. I have been sick and feeling like poo, but I am starting to feel better again (kinda) and trying to plan my month for the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge (which I need because ARC April did not go well for me). 
It was by bday on Tuesday and we had a party it was super fun and on Wednesday I had a cool work event (sadly out in the cold rain- not good for being sick).

I got a lot of great books this week too. Did you get anything you are super excited for? 

Some fun things going on:
Clean Sweep ARC Challenge in May 
ArmChairBEA sign ups ARE OPEN! Go sign up! DO IT! You can also be a cheerleader :) - Sign up for that too!

Giveaways Going on NOW!   

Dead Girl Walking

Click pic/link to be taken to the giveaway!

Others may be linked on the right sidebar :) check them out!


Coming up on the Blog...

Blog Tour: Review and Giveaway for Hedge Witch by Simon Kewin (YA)
 Review: Defy by Sara B. Larson (YA)
Review: Enchanted Emporium: Suitcase of Stars by P.D. Baccalario (MG)

Books This Week

Books for Review
The Lovely and the Lost (The Dispossessed, #2) The Dragon's Egg (Relics of Mysticus, #3) The Merciless Wishes (Legacy, #2.5)
The Lovely and the Lost by Page Morgan (The Dispossessed #2) Audiobook for review from Random House Audio
The Dragon's Egg by H.B. Bolton (Relics of Mysticus #3) Ebook for Review for Blog Tour 
The Merciless by Danielle Vega Ebook for Review from Penguin First Reads program (So excited for this!!!)
Wishes by Molly Cochran (Legacy #2.5) Ebook for Review from Author 

  Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything post and I will happily stop by and say hello!

 Happy Reading!


  1. HAPPY LATE Birthday!!! I'm happy to hear that you had a great day!

    I love the covers for Wishes and The Dragon's Egg. I participated in the cover reveal for The Dragon's Egg and it was amazing to learn how the artist developed the cover.

    I hope you're feeling better and that you are reading lots of great books on your Clean Sweep ARC challenge goal list!

    1. Thank you! I love the covers too :) Covers really pull me in, if a book has a bad cover I really have doubts but these all look great :)
