
Apr 29, 2014

Early Reader Review: Courtney Crumrin: The Witch Next Door Volume 5 by Ted Naifeh

Courtney Crumrin Volume 5: The Witch Next Door by Ted Naifeh
Publisher: Diamond Book Distributors/ Oni Press
Publication Date: April 30, 2014

Format: Ebook
Source: Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors

Goodreads Synopsis:
Holly Hart is new to Hillsborough and witchcraft. When her family moves in next to Courtney, the two girls quickly become friends. But as Courtney watches Holly making the same mistakes she once made, she begins to have second thoughts about teaching the girl magic. And when Holly sees the aftermath of the other children's "adventures" with Courtney, her suspicions cause her to make a dangerous decision. The first five issues of the full-color Courtney Crumrin comic series are collected for the first time in a special hardcover edition.

My Rating:
I love everything about these books! When I saw the next (volume 5) installment of Courtney Crumrin on Netgalley, I had to grab it, even though I had just told my husband that I had too many other books through Netgalley I needed to read and review (my bad).

In Volume 5, Courtney meets a new girl, Holly, who is living across the street from her and everything is going smoothly until magic becomes involved.  Courtney and Holly become friends and Courtney explains magic and how anyone can learn it. Holly being an outcast like Courtney takes all of this very well and is willing to learn a few things, only she takes it way out of proportion and all the crazy breaks loose.

As always, I love these dark, macabre images and settings throughout the storyline; and Courtney has really grown since the first volume. She is stronger both mentally and magically, and is learning about the consequences of all of her actions.  

In this volume, the story of Holly and Courtney brings the reader back to other events in the series, which was a nice refresher, but it also uncovers Courtney’s past and so the end of the book leaves you on the edge as Courtney must flee from her new home with Uncle A.  Uncle A is given an ultimatum and must decide to go after Courtney or wither away and die.

I cannot wait for the story to continue and these volumes are a great way to read the story. They give you just enough to fulfill you for a little while, but when the next one comes out you want to grab it.

Other Books in the Series

Courtney Crumrin Volume 1: The Night Things Courtney Crumrin, Volume 2: The Coven of Mystics Special Edition Hardcover Courtney Crumrin, Volume 3: The Twilight Kingdom Courtney Crumrin Volume 4: Monstrous Holiday Special Edition

~~ Read My Reviews Here ~~

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