
Jun 13, 2012

Recent Reads: Lost in Time by Melissa de la Cruz

Lost in Time (Blue Bloods, #6)Lost in Time by Melissa de la Cruz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Background: The quest continues for Schuyler and Jack to find the gates, Mimi and Oliver are going to hell to retrieve Kingsley and in this book we get more background on Allegra and Charles' relationship.

Review: I enjoyed this book in the series and am interested to see the end...which better come soon :/...waiting sucks. I liked Mimi a lot more in this book than the others, she is becoming a better person and I really like that. I loved that this book FINALLY let us see into what happened between Charles and Allegra, and that it isn't as cut and dry as most of the Blue Bloods believe. I did not like that Schuyler is becoming all emotional and maybe even a little clingy with Jack. She was such a strong character, that I really liked in the beginning, and now her strength has been transferred over to Mimi it seems, Schuyler is just a love-sick puppy right now. Good book in the series, great ending...

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