
Jun 14, 2012

Early Reader Review: Rapture by Lauren Kate

Rapture (Fallen, #4)Rapture by Lauren Kate
Available: NOW! June 12, 2012
Publisher: Random House Children's

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Background: Luce, Daniel, and the others are fighting the clock to prepare for their fight against Lucifer. It is only a matter of time before history is rewritten by Lucifer in hopes of making himself more powerful. All the while, Luce continues to uncover her past with the help of her friends.

Review: I actually was surprised by how this story concluded, which takes a lot. I cannot really say too much because I do not want to give anything about the story away, but let me tell you, there are twists! Lots of them! And they are super good. Lucinda come into her own very well in this book and the story FINALLY comes together and makes sense.
It did however take me a while to get into this one though. I was a little disappointed when book three ended, because I thought it was a trilogy and then it turned out there was going to be another book. When I began reading Rapture, I really wasn't into it. There seemed to be a lag for me, once I hit about the half way point, I flew through it and couldn't put it down.
If you recently read the other three and knew there was going to be a fourth book, I think that this will read very well for you. It picks up right where 3 leaves off, and immediately thrusts the reading into the drama and mission. Rapture is enchanting, astounding, and beautiful in its ending to this series.

Received from Netgalley and Random House Children's Books for Review

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