
Aug 2, 2018

Let's Compare: Recent Read/ TV Show - The Carnivorous Carnival by Lemony Snicket

The Carnivorous Carnival (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #9)The Carnivorous Carnival by Lemony Snicket
Series: A Series of Unfortunate Events #9
Publisher:  Scholastic, Inc.
Publication Date:  October 2002

Format: Hardback
Source: Borrowed from the Library



Goodreads Synopsis: 

Dear reader,

The word "carnivorous," which appears in the title of this book, means "meat-eating," and once you have read such a bloodthirsty word, there is no reason to read any further. This carnivorous volume contains such a distressing story that consuming any of its contents would be far more stomach-turning than even the most imbalanced meal.

To avoid causing discomfort, it would be best if I didn't mention any of the unnerving ingredients of this story, particularly a confusing map, an ambidextrous person, an unruly crowd, a wooden plank, and Chabo the Wolf Baby.

Sadly for me, my time is filled with researching and recording the displeasing and disenchanting lives of the Baudelaire orphans. But your time might be better filled with something more palatable, such as eating your vegetables, or feeding them to someone else.

With all due respect,
Lemony Snicket

Image result for series of unfortunate events seasons 2The Vile Village: Episodes 9 & 10 of Season 2
Series: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Network: Netflix
Publication Date:  January 13, 2017- present

AHHHH why do they always end finale TV shows this way?! A cliffhanger both for the show ending and in the book. I know that I could pick up the next book and read more but I want to wait for Season 3 and the episodes so that I have good comparison time.

Aside from that I really loved this book and these episodes, though they were very different. In the last book/episodes we followed the Baudelaire kids into Count Olaf's trunk so that they could get out of a fire and now they have arrived at their next location - a carnival. This is a sad carnival in the middle of nowhere and it is pretty much falling part but there is a fortune teller and a caravan of freaks (which are people that are just a bit different in their own ways). And already the book and the show divide - in the book Olaf has been visiting the fortune teller, Madame Lulu, for some time now and at every turn she has told him where the orphans would be. In the show, the Count is meeting Madame Lulu for the first time and learning about her powers. This is a big difference because the children interact with Lulu very different in the book versus the show - but I don't want to spoil it all too much, it is very sad though and does change a few of the other escape plans throughout both.

Another difference is that in the show, the children FINALLY learn what VFD stands for - I'm not going to spoil it here because in the books we still have no clue at all. I like that I finally know what it means, but at the same time I wonder if it will change my reading of the rest of the series...

Both end at about the same point, which is a crazy cliffhanger (maybe pun intended? I need to read the next book! ). This installment of both the series and the show were so much fun, there was more suspense and more outright craziness from Count Olaf that it made it all the more fun.

Happy reading and watching!
Let me know what you are thinking of the show so far if you have been watching it too!


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